Zukey Badtouch

It's always a fucking Camry.

Waaay too sober to be Spiner.

So, you mean... in a country where all the people look the same, some people look the same?

Pacific Rim also has fuckall to do with Robotech. It takes more than giant robots to make a Robotech sequel. So yeah, incredibly wrong.

I tell people the same thing and they look at me like I'm nuts.

It's really not even the car's fault. I blame the article. If I never knew that 1.5 GPM stat, I'd be messing my pants like the rest of you. Ignorance is bliss.

Oh, I know, and I hate myself for it. Believe me, I do. But I still can't help but feel like I'm getting kicked in the nuts by somebody's huge carbon foot every time I see one of these things. So I don't feel as if I'm throwing stones, so much as I am catching them...

I understand why everybody has a hard on for this car. I get it, I really do. But I gotta tell you, as I toodle around town in my Fiat, every time I see one of these things, I'm instantly going to assume the guy driving it is a douchebag of epic proportions. Much like those guys who drive Raptors are instantly

"I just don't understand why this was so aggressive," he said.

Because a cop's only tool is a hammer, which makes every problem a nail by default. He's lucky the SWAT team didn't flashbang his baby's crib and shoot his dog.

New Orleans street cars have had flipping/reversing seats for over 100 years now.

Even being totally useless, he should have stayed as a witness. Ferfucksakes, he had video of the accident. Maybe the injured don't find that immediately useful, but I bet the cops would.

But then again, as it says above, he also had video of that same Lambo going 200+mph on a public road, probably on the same memory

Not fat rears. Dually.

It looks like a K5 Blazer fucked a Jungle Gym.

She definitely has the accent in the books and even in the cartoon series. She doesn't have the accent in the movies because, as Miss Thang has proven time and again in True Blood, that girl just cannot do a Southern accent to save her life.

I kept waiting for the pipe to come off the drive wheel, the cart to suddenly hook up, and the kid to get launched into the garage door.

Not gonna lie... gonna have a hard time getting behind a show that has bat shit aliens.

By the time we got around to making national parks, most of the land in New England had already been parceled out to private owners/smaller public interests. It's really only out West where we had huge tracts of uninhabited wilderness... unless you count the Indians, of course.

Which no one did, of course.

Just how fucking square are you?

Who is Kevin?