It's like the Time Cube guy opened a car dealership. And had a sex change.
We all know the Professor got more pussy than Garfield while he was on that Island. Why would he want to fix that boat?
I think the cage is what holds it all together, and where they saved most of the weight, by eliminating a lot of structural safety crap the street car has that this doesn't need. At least, that's the story I get from my ass. It knows more about cars than I do, so I usually go with it.
Good sir, that link... my god man. I have never seen such porn.
Well, now the guy also has his phone number...
Spend 18 hours driving in one direction, then turn around and drive back.
I got two words for you: Trunk Monkey Sexy Dance Party
It hasn't dropped off at all. The goddamn Discovery Channel has a show right now about illegal street racers. Like they are role models, people that kids should look up to ... fucking dangerous idiot hillbillies is what they are.
Can you imagine the raft of shit he would have to eat if he came out one day with pearly whites? After all the guff he's given Hammond for having had his teeth whitened?
You win this round.
I can see your point, but I disagree. I purposely posted the finest representation of a mini-truck I could find in my extensive and exhausting 30second Google Image Search (that wasn't also cock-blocked by my insufferable @work filters). It's awesome, as far as mini-trucks go, I'll give you that... The best of the…
Marked cruisers should have a third blue headlight right in the middle. I mean, if they wanted to be fair...