But if you're in the market, this old dude needs cataract surgery. He'll trade his sweet ride for new eyes. I'd vote NP on this one, for sure.
You are trying to use logic and reason to understand the actions of a person living in a world where those things just do not apply.
Pretty sure this guy is just using his pictures to justify his racism. You know he blames all that rubble on black people.
I can't imagine a scenario in which a person could enter such a vehicle with any amount of grace or dignity.
This is probably a really stupid question, but I'ma ask it anyways...
Why does the tach in the M go to 9k if it redlines at 4.5k? Wouldn't it go KA-BANG! before it got that high?
That other vehicle seems more sensible, tach goes to 8, redlines at 7, not 4.
Help me understand?
Imagine this on a matching trailer, being towed by the matching truck. OMG. It's pornographic.
You've never actually gone camping, have you?
Supercar fires are the only car fires you pay attention to.
Some stats I ganked from an ambulance chaser's website:
I agree the thing is ridiculous. But it was built with top speed as the primary concern, and off the line jumps were secondary, I'm sure. So a drag race isn't the best place to show it's abilities, and I would expect it to perform no better or worse off the line than any other car that was all hopped up on goofballs…
Will that fit in a Beetle?
Any fast car can race a Bugatti from 0 to whatever in a 1/4 mile.
Not any fast car can race a Bugatti from 200 to 250 on a rolling lap.
Hoopties and Hennessy
It certainly is uncontaminated by cheese.
I don't think his kind of crazy is something you can learn. You either got it or you don't.
Personally, I'm not sure I could live like that dude. Seems too... I dunno... orderly.
I'm with you, but for different reasons. When they showed him backing out into the street, first thing that came to my mind is "One of these days, he's gonna get T-boned by some old broad in a Buick."
Oh snap. My mistake. The median income there isn't $6,000 a year.
IT'S $6,000 A MONTH. HOLY JESUS! And that's US $.
Did you ever see the Seinfeld episode where Kramer and Nuemann take a truckload of aluminum cans to another state just to collect the deposits?
I've never wanted it more.
This makes me happy in my pantsy.