"How hard could it be?"
"How hard could it be?"
Have you seen the hearse version from Harold & Maude? Be.You.Tiful.
If you want to repeat this process in another 8 years, and use your daily driver as trade in, you'll get something for the VW. You won't get dick for the other two. If that matters to you...
Wipers, blinkers, and headlamp dimmer belong on the stalk. THAT'S IT. Cruise buttons belong on the wheel, not the stalk. Window and door locks belong on the doors, not the center console. And radio controls belong on the radio, not the steering wheel.
I'll be sad if there is no update to this in the coming days/week. I need closure.
I concur with my assembled colleagues. Not a key job. Most likely some other rednecked hipster in an equally ridiculously over-sized vehicle backed into yours (the scratches go one way, then all stop at the same point) then pulled away again (the scratches reverse direction).
You're a fucking moron.
Knock yourself out
A car full of blanks can be annoying, but every car should have at least one blank, for aftermarket ish that requires a switch.
Also, that new silver Bug is tits.
The Swede has a point. I come from the internet.
I hear Caswell is looking for a car for WRC...
Anybody with the brains and forethought to do some internet price comparisons is not going to buy a Mailbu, regardless of price. Why? Because even if they aren't gearheads and already know the Malibu is a POS, they will surely discover this fact during their online searches.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Don't be fooled. They are vicious.