Zukey Badtouch

What I mean to tell you is that the content you receive through the pipe, or the quantity of channels, is largely irrelevant to your cable provider. The money they collect from you for programming fees goes to the networks, not the cable provider. So any change to those pricing plans has little impact on the

Truth, you do not need to pay for TV to get internet from the same company. But you do need to pay MORE for your internets from the same company if you do not also take their TV service. And if the majority of their subscribers choose to forgo their cable TV offering and only want their internet pipe, you can expect

Umm... in a world where most people get their internet from the same provider that brings them television... you ca... no, you know what? Fuck it. You're right. Be happy in your delusion.

Those "cables for internet" belong to "the middleman". You cut him out, you need your own cables.

Gonna go out on a limb here and say the old lady was driving the Lambo.

Your link to the Lego Batman actually brings you back to this article, FYI.

Yes, eliminate the middle man. Run your own fucking cables across town/city/country. Procure your own set top converters. Install your own fucking outlets. Do this all yourself. And then pay ESPN directly. And CNN. And whateverthefuck else you like to watch.

Dear Mr. Condliffe,

Just once, I would like to see a comic book artist defend his works by taking pictures of real women, from the same angles, in the actual poses used in the comics. Preferably nude. I'm sure everything would line up perfectly. Or not. Who cares? Let's do this thing.

Ya know? Money says The Man will have access to the video feed from all the drones in the sky, private or otherwise. Not a pleasant thought.

HAHA! Looks like, but no... that's the interior roof shot of the Maybach.

As many have already pointed out, some do, some don't. The problem is those that do generally have maybe one or two kids (if they have any at all), while those that don't clue in to reality generally wind up fucking like rabbits and not only perpetuate the problem, but magnify it tenfold with their legion of stupid

Ah, that would explain why I thought it looked like a Lotus but was too big to be one.

Going way off the track here, but... What is that blue thing behind the Maybach in the eBay listing pic?

I looked in my ass and this is the only thing I could find...

This is probably fairly useful in an environment that is thick with pedestrians, where cars are in the extreme minority, and both are forced to travel the same thoroughfare... Markets, bazaars, festivals, highly overcrowded urban areas. Think any place that has rickshaws.

You see a fried egg? Lucky! I wish I could see a fried egg. But no, all I see is a big fat clitoris right between the eyebrows.

Ok, I'll bite. What did you and your old lady do that was so crazy?

I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist. That bird has headphones glued to his head.

Let's call them what they are. Horribly cruel, probably pointless, and a waste of somebody's (taxpayers?) money.