Zukey Badtouch

The ass looks like a Mustang II, the face looks like a late 90s Buick Regal. The middle looks like a ripe piece of shit, and really ties it all together.

Is the hate on the auto-trans related to anything specific? Or is it just the standard "Autos suck because racecar" argument? Seriously wanna know, because I like this car, but I need an automatic. If there's a real reason the auto sucks, it would be good to know.

Bott's Dots should be on every road in America.

Liberal Atheists mock Conservative Fanatics. Conservative Fanatics maim, torture and kill Liberal Atheists.

Sold Out

Hey, this could give you Passat drivers some street cred... no, wait... probably not.

OH MY FUCKING GOD that's who that guy is!! HA! I knew he was somebody from somewhere, I just couldn't peg it. Thanks for that.

Pulaski had a vestigial tail, and much like a constipated chihuahua, it would vibrate when she pooped. The best Crusher could do was wiggle her ears.

What kind of asshole goes to a high school reunion?

He should be shot. Considering this is Texas, he should be shot twice. Why the hell should taxpayers be on the hook for this asshole's room and board for the next 30 or 40 years?

Yes, exactly! Because not having that plastic card in your wallet physically prevents you from getting in a car and driving it...

I think they set that whole thing up just so they could put the word "KUNST" on screen.

I've been in the path of a rampaging black woman before. Never again. Never. Ever.

From the pics in the ad itself, it looks like the OE wire hubs come with, so those wheels aren't a problem. Assuming the dealer would trade 'em out with no problem.

Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet, but I think there might be a conveyor belt in the trailer.

God darnit, Mr. Lamarr, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar whore.

Just because you don't see hookers and blow doesn't mean there are no hookers and blow.

Some folks would say the Rainbow Vacuum is the best on the planet (I am one of those people) and they run around $2,000. So a damn good vacuum for $500 is a steal in my opinion.

Should he be charged? Yes. Will he be charged? HA! Ridiculous thought.