
Likely related:

I don’t have a lot of confidence in the Wichita PD correctly assessing a situation. An acquaintance fortuitously directed the Wichita PD to the correct residence and kept his elderly neighbor from getting her door busted down when he happened to go outside for a smoke and thought, “Why would the cops be going after

This is especially ironic, seeing as his mentor, Roy Cohn, died of AIDS.

This is from October, but is even more relevant now.

This thread lays out a lot more background about the events leading up to Comey’s comments about Hillary Clinton’s emails. I stopped being so mad at Comey after I read it.

I think it was mostly the New York FBI office that was a problem during the election.

Now playing

“Master Sergeant Farrell, you’re American?”

I was expecting to see a jade egg or two on this list.

“Just because you’ve seen “My Cousin Vinny” doesn’t qualify you to be a federal judge,” Kennedy said. “And he has no litigation experience. And my job on the judiciary committee is to catch him. I would strongly suggest he not give up his day job.”

Nunes didn’t resign from the House Intelligence Committee. He recused himself from being involved in the Russia investigation. But not really.

I would rather have President Camacho.

Attending a gala dinner for RT and sitting at the same table with Putin and Michael Flynn is not a good look.

Devin Nunes also was on the Trump transition team and also is on the House Intelligence Committee and also is a total weasel. I’m sure there’s plenty of dirt on him, too.

I just stumbled upon this gif while looking for something else and just had to share:

MoveOn.org is organizing. Look for an event near you here:

Can’t say that I blame you for missing this, as it was under-reported at the time and appears to have been forgotten about (because there’s so much going on, how can anyone possibly keep track):

You’re not the only one:

Right. Because if it’s OK for an employer to refuse to cover birth control for religious reasons, then why can’t an employer who’s a Jehovah’s Witness refuse to cover blood transfusions for their employees?