
Yes, I think that there is a lot of confusion about this in this thread. Here is a map showing the Central Valley extending north/south in the middle of the state. Parts of the Central Valley are in Southern California, and parts of it are in Northern California.

There isn’t a universally agreed upon location dividing Northern and Southern California. But for the most part, the farther north you live, the farther north you consider the dividing line between the two to be.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! (Except you Harvey, and all your wicked conspirators

I ran into a former coworker about a month after having a miscarriage. “When is the baby coming!” she exclaimed. I immediately broke down sobbing.

Here’s what the Washington Post has to say about it:

There are some movies that are so dumb that even pizza and pitchers of beer cannot help them (Van Helsing and the remake of the Stepford Wives, I’m looking at you.)

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Becky Knuckles knows that real women take off their heels.

Most of her story was, after having read other accounts of women’s dealings with HW, unfortunately familiar. But to hear that he had tried to pull this crap on someone with his young children in the house!

This reminds me of the time my Disc Priest ended up tanking the worshipers in the Grand Widow Faerlina fight (Nax 10) when the 2nd tank DC’d. And by tanking, I mean shielding and healing myself until the DPS killed them.

As for screenwriter Koepp, he said almost a year ago that the movie would have a more feminist bent than the original, with a highly intelligent Bride character who takes control of her own destiny.

I think this deal was mostly about sticking it to Paul Ryan.

This totally was about Trump wanting revenge on Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.

This reminds me of a kid who was brought to the emergency department a few years back when I was in training. The parents were into homeopathy, so when their son (around 4 years old I think?) came down with an upper respiratory infection, they gave him some tincture. The kid didn’t get better, so they gave him some

There’s also the fact that she’s been having tons of (presumably unprotected) sex with Daario Naharis and hasn’t gotten pregnant. It’s not surprising she thinks that she can’t get pregnant.

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Season 1, episode 4, “Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things.” Jon is talking to Sam and tells him that he hasn’t had sex yet because he doesn’t want to end up fathering a bastard like him.

“Typical” means average (non-perfect) use.

But what about the 1980s TV remake with triplets instead of twins and Haley Mills as the mom and Barry Botswick as the dad?

Silly me. I thought you were talking about the 1980s TV remake, with triplets instead of twins, and with Haley Mills as the mom and Barry Botswick as the dad.

Compared to the Wildling women he’s used to, Brienne is a fairy princess, what with her shiny armor and fancy sword and nice manners.

So where was Gendry this episode? Was he in Eastwatch, and died in the collapse of the wall, or did he hang out on the ship while everyone else went to the Dragon Pit?