
When the kids were playing with the Ouija board, he asked it, “Am I going to have a good time on my trip?” and the pointer thing immediately moved to “No.” But I had no idea that Emmett Till’s nickname was Bobo, so I (and I’m sure lots of other people) didn’t make the connection at the time that this kid was him. It

Yes, the Canadian government knows women in Gilead aren’t supposed to read.

Mercury is extremely toxic.

Mr. Guss never used to get his flu shots until we had a kid.  I like to remind him of all the times he was sick as a dog with the flu and I didn’t catch it from him because I’d gotten my flu shot.

You will no longer have the problem with woody stringy ends of your asparagus if you BREAK the ends off instead of cutting them off.  

How did you know that I just bought an instant pot, and that I also have a bunch of roasted Hatch green chiles in my freezer, and I’ve been contemplating how to make them into green chili stew using my new instant pot?

If you lived in New Mexico instead of Colorado, you would know that green chiles are wonderful. And it is treated like a condiment there. You can even get it on your Carl’s Jr. fast food hamburger.

More Portland bus stories.

Bus in Portland, OR. Homeless looking guy was picking dead skin off his feet and making a neat pile of peeled off skin on the seat next to him.

The first 2 1/2 seasons were awesome, then it veered into meh territory.

For anyone who missed the insanity, here it is, preserved for all to see. (Don’t worry, the classmate’s name and picture are obscured.)

I hated it when people would say that my then-toddler was “flirting”. Ugh, no. He was even described that way in an evaluation when he was about 18 months old. His dad and I described him as “charming” (he liked adults—male or female—to pay attention to him and would act cute to get them to interact with him) but in

My theory about the module Bernard printed was that it was of Ford, and that Ford made him print it up right before he knew that real Ford was going to have his brains blown out.

There is a brief scene in season 1 of a group of Asian guests and Maeve speaking (IIRC) Japanese to each other.

Most of the people I’ve known who are really adamant about not drinking grew up with an alcoholic parent. So they have very good reason to not want to touch the stuff.

The WHCA president isn’t shocked. She’s intimidated.

Colbert’s mocking of Bush was more shocking, though, because it still wasn’t widely accepted that it was OK to criticize Bush, even that many years post 9/11. As I remember it, Colbert’s WHCD performance was one of the early mainstream performances that was critical of Bush, and of the media. Almost no one laughed,

Trump supporters 2016:

Remember when Trump’s rallies were full of people like this?

Here is a version of the theory with more information: