
And I bet you're tasty!

Reviewers (i.e. readers) can say whatever the hell they want about a book. If someone wants to write that my book is so bad, it's responsible for global warming, ebola, and SIDS, they have that right. That is what it means to be a published author. You cannot control the reception of your work. People who cannot

"I'm confused by the people who focus on the reviewer's online pseud. Listen, I hate to say this, but my name isn't actually 'Ashinae.'"

This. Also, Hale didn't just look up Blythe's address in the phonebook. She went to someone (presumably a publisher) said she wanted to do a book giveaway for reviewers, and got Blythe's address that way. So she created an elaborate lie to find someone's address.

you missed my point. she wrote a factually accurate one star review. other people who have read the book have confirmed that. hale is 100% in the wrong here, and despite her apparent belief stat rape isnt rape, shes wrong.

A bad review is not libel, that's ridiculous. How can a subjective review be "factually inaccurate?"

There is no evidence whatsoever that the reviewer deliberately wrote a bad review to spite Hale or did anything besides give her honest opinion about the book. How can you possibly think that writing a negative review is unacceptable, but finding someone's address, calling them at work, and GOING TO THEIR FUCKING

Blythe wrote a one star review because she hated the book. She's a reviewer that's what we do. For the record, Blythe has also loved and championed a lot of books.

I follow Blythe on Goodreads and Twitter and never saw her "attacking" Hale. Hale offers no screenshots or proof. Why are we believing someone who is

I'm sorry as an author who has received a 1 star review ( to be exact 5 ) I can honestly say it is not a life ruining event. My dreams were not destroyed. I still write and do so with great joy. Here's the deal, when you send your little darling book in the world, and trust me no one loves their book more than I

I'm also not a fan of people who write one-star reviews simply to make lives miserable for others.

I'm confused by the people who focus on the reviewer's online pseud. Listen, I hate to say this, but my name isn't actually "Ashinae." There are a lot of us who have been here since virtually no one used their real names online. I know the times they are a'changing, but some people still like o keep their online

She wrote a negative review about a book that sounds, honestly, like it sucks. How is that trying to "make someone's life miserable"? Someone not liking your output isn't abuse, and if you can't make a living in a business because people don't like what you create, losing your livelihood isn't victimhood, it's an

It gets weirder — My Dog Is A Pirate isn't even that commenter's real name!

Blythe did NONE of the things you describe. Zero. Nada. Zilch. She reviewed books. There is no evidence anywhere that she bullied or stalked authors. There are, however, multiple authors who've made a point of saying that even though Blythe gave them scathing, one star reviews, they developed relationships of respect

Why on earth do you believe anything the author said about Blythe? I read her comments about the book; they were genuine. She has reviewed plenty of books, rating an average of 3.5. This isn't someone who just gleefully sets out to destroy authors' careers. It's a reader with an opinion.

Much of the content the reviewer was complaining about seems to be accurate. Despite Hale's claims to the contrary, there IS content in the book about statutory rape/sexual abuse, PTSD and domestic violence. It seems that Hale isn't even aware of what is in her own book.

So, I used to be a book blogger for YA books, popular enough that the New York Times seemed to think I had an opinion worth sharing at one point or another. And there are plenty of things I could say about how publishers rely too much on bloggers and court them too heavily. But. BUT.

There is statutory rape in this book. That the author doesn't see that as rape is astounding. That you believe a stalker's accounts of her victim is even worse. You have absolutely no evidence that Blythe isn't who she says she is, except for the words of her stalker. Shame on you.

Seriously. Stalking is a crime. Posting a negative anonymous review online is not. Plus, I wouldn't trust Kathleen Hale is 100% telling the truth here. The only evidence against 'Blythe' is coming from Hale.

"You're fat," I shouted. And then I poured the entire bottle of hydrogen peroxide on her head.