
Gawd, and I thought I was pissed when a woman who walked by me while I was buying "curbside" strawberries (from a field hand who drove to a snotty/hippy Marin county town to sell them) barked at me, "THEY ARE NOT LOCAL, NOT ORGANIC AND INEDIBLE." Uh, I'll decide what toxic shit to put in my body, but thanks for your

Thanks for this. It amazes me how many strangers break the ice with "Are you breastfeeding?" rather than "What is your baby's name?" or "How old is your baby?"

It's gender-essentialist and stupid to think that a woman who has procreated is in some sort of factory-setting state of health and happiness. Yet, anyone who walks around doling once-size-fits-all advice for nursing and childcare is essentially operating on this ridiculous assumption.

I mean...wha-...who..did she...[*panting with exertion to come up with an explanation of how that suggestion might be anything except fucking batshit insane. With no success*]...

I'm so over shaming woman into breastfeeding. I know "breast is best" but from first hand experience, some woman have difficulty breast feeding. I had my son in a hippie city and I was petrified to use formula in public. Keep in mind I would breast feed my son for 30 minutes and then hook myself up to the breast pump

I don't understand women who judge other women not breast feeding. Why is this even an issue? It's my body. My choice . My friend couldn't breast feed her kid because she was sick. My other friend who just found out that she's pregnant doesn't plan on breast feeding because she doesn't want to. Who are we to question

"It may come out anyway, or through your armpits," another advised later when I was doing the usual post-labor, slow-recovery walk through the hospital halls.

I'm sorry but am I reading this correctly? A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL advised her that milk would come out OF HER ARMPITS??!! This issue has now jumped the shark and I think we can all go home because we're clearly done here.

if you cant keep your hands to yourself, maymo is going to keep your hand to herself.

Yes (sarcasm), because childhood sexual abuse is totally an "accident." I call fucking bullshit on this. These monsters, they don't pull shit like this by "accident." Hell to the motherfucking no. They purposely go looking for these images and videos, they purposely go after people they feel are vulnerable, they purpos

Right? As a pediatrician, my least favorite is when they claim that list includes being a "nurse" or a "pediatrician." No, you're not. It took us a lot of time and money and licensing to get those degrees. Putting a bandaid on a cut =/= health professional. STFU.

I am beyond sick and tired of hearing SAHMs complain about their long resume of "chef, maid, chauffeur and bookkeeper all rolled into one!"

Anita has been accused of faking these threats and not actually making police reports before. The actual people who accused her of it found out themselves that not only was she telling the truth, she was also dealing with the FBI.

"Why is it only her?"

At least three women in as many months have been threatened so seriously they've had to leave their homes because of this shit.

Really? Did no one care then? Because it seems we wrote about that exact event more than once, along with others.

Don't blame the victim.

How about you learn to read. She clearly said working out is cool if that's your thing, but working out (or doing anything for that matter) excessively is not good.

There is more than one person in America, therefore both things are possible.

The entire Southern Antebellum economy was based on cotton production. The cotton industry was based on slave labor. If you were rich in the South before the Civil War, you were either a cotton or tobacco mogul, both of which were slave industries. I don't understand why these people are so stupid and obtuse.

She got married on a Plantation site so i am not surprised she did this.