
Melania is like “Seriously, Kris...if you want him, take him. My lawyers say the pre-nup is solid.”

Hello from Not Panama, everyone! Still here in Pennsylvania, and the pandemic grinds on. I read earlier today that the White House’s new messaging on Covid is “live with it”, and unlike everywhere but Brazil and Russia, there’s no plan to contain it, no national testing/tracing, just epic failure and death. Live with

The buck was always going to stop with loving, consensual adults. But maybe that just makes them mad because lots of people in heterosexual marriage aren’t that.

Looks like a picture from those halcyon years when women were tossed into asylums for doing crazy things like stating an opinion or trying to vote. Good times!

Purely out of curiosity: Are you a Whedon stan who happens to be a shitbird, or are you a bog-standard shitbird who wallows in whatever filth it finds? 

They employ artists worldwide, a LOT of Americans. Many of us in live entertainment have long considered them to be a dream place to work. Our industry is dead, the first to shut down under COVID-19 and we will likely be the last to return, and the people who employed us are treating us like dirt. “Fans” demand that

It makes you feel incredibly grateful that this has happened to you and you get to have two amazing babies

For real: how did her Ob/Gyn not notice this and say “hmm, you know I think you’ve got a little extra equipment here.”?

That was my first thought as well, that surely one of her exams or pregnancy checkups would have found it? Or is it more of a one over and you’re good?

Excellent work. There is no way that’s a tampon. How come no one consults tampon wearers before this shit goes viral?

Jordan Catalano needs to be up there. Also Jason Stackhouse from True Blood. 

Several hundred or even thousands of young people—including K-pop stans and so-called “Tiktok Teens”—claimed to register for the event with no intention of attending, a move that surely helped turn the Tulsa event into a huge embarrassment.

The erasing history argument is so transparently disingenuous. These colonialist statues went up on land owned by other peoples, effectively erasing their histories at the time. Thinking history begins when white people show up is peak caucasity

Now playing

Fat Donny Two Scoops ends his rallies with the Stones’ You Can’t Always Get What You Want. The band has sent a cease and desist letter, but the song still plays. My guess is they are too busy being The Rolling Stones to follow-up, but Tom Petty’s family, they might just have the time and money to make sure Cheetolini

Kind of like how Ayn Rand took public assistance when she was dying.

Now playing

I had completely forgotten about that Debbie Allen/Phylicia Rashad video!


I don’t want to hear anybody say that this is an accident. I’m sick of the excuse of stupidity or ignorance to be used to defend this administration’s actions (“Trump’s too stupid to know it is a Nazi symbol, yada yada yada). Even if say Trump really didn’t know, he is not operating alone in the White House. He has

The best reaction I saw was this:

“She likes to: leave me alone”