
It’s all good, doc. We need someone to give us the facts, good or bad. So many of us are familiar with being on a job, trying to accomplish things while also trying to placate an incompetent asshole boss who only cares about himself.

Now playing

I’m still ok with making 1 more exception for Gwar in Richmond since the ball is already rolling. Plus as is with all the graffiti he’d be a great addition. Then after that no more.

Barberich and Emmerich have both since apologized for “allowing [white] privilege” to blind them to their own actions.

They exist to protect the company, not the employee. 

I’d wonder why they never thought their name was a problem before now, because I always thought it was... but I won’t actually spend any time wondering because their name was on purpose and they liked it. Just like people that have their weddings at plantations.

Against this social backdrop, the absurdity of the 45-year-old mother of all summer blockbusters, Jaws, has never been clearer. It is the story of a cop, with no background in marine biology and, in fact, hatred of water, taking it upon himself to hunt a great white shark, a vulnerable apex predator whose survival is

I appreciate Jezebel’s coverage of this but it makes me wonder. If this is so prevalent across every industry, what is the culture like at Jezebel and other Gawker channels (besides The Root)?

As his location edged closer on my phone, I spotted his big, blue eyes in the crowd and his sign above his head. Be still my beating heart.

Obviously ecstatic to finally see these stains coming down, but not everything was happy in Portsmouth last night. If you don’t want to see something distressing, don’t watch the video in that Portsmouth tweet too closely.

Richmonders tore down the Lee statue a day after an asshole descendent of the initial asshole who funded the monument to the traitorous asshole was successful in filing an injunction to block its removal.

I’m a former Hill staffer, and this article is making me EXPLODE over the dress code bullshit.

File under “N.” For “No Shit.”

I didn’t see it, you’re telling me about it. I don’t read Twitter, I only write on it.

I think you’re being a little harsh on this guy. He accomplished something pretty difficult to do at this stage of the protest; he made this about himself. That’s got to count for something.

God, yes. His statue is SO BAD.

Here’s hoping they take down ALL the statues from the Avenue Of Second Place Finishers.

(Full disclosure: I’m a white guy)

This post emphasizes why it is important to vote in local elections.

Virginia is notoriously gerrymandered. Virginia hasn’t elected a republican to statewide office for over 10 years but the state legislature, until last year, was majority republican. This disconnect is enabled by the

Well, this seems to be little more than a well-intentioned recording industry PR stunt. Tuesdays were traditionally the distribution release day for records/CDs, but since everything went digital, Tuesday is meaningless to a whole generation.