
The police were absolutely out of control this weekend.  Running people over.  Breaking into people’s cars, tasing them.  Threatening people standing on their own porch.  Slamming people into the concrete.  Firing indiscriminately into crowds.  Trump looked at that and thought “Not brutal enough.”  The police

It also looks like he’s never held a bible book in his life.

I do have to say, I get a small amount of glee seeing a picture of the president walking past a wall with “Fuck Trump” spray painted on it. It’s petty, but I’m beyond that shit with this coward.

but where there is no law, there is no opportunity, where there is no justice there is no Liberty, where there is no safety there is no future.”

A “white nationalist” leader hides in a bunker while war rages outside. Where have I heard that before?

If only these people would peacefully protest. Oh wait....

We’ll likely never know, but my assumption was that if he’s this abusive in public he’s almost certainly abusive at home. Possibly she’s taking this opportunity while he’s in custody to start proceedings while he’s unable to physically retaliate.

I don’t care about his wife leaving him. His history of abuse on the police force is long and storied. She is not the hero for leaving him.

The bigger mystery to me is, who watches these videos? Who follows these people and wants to listen to basic people spewing basic shit for 45 minutes, which could be condensed into 2 minutes but they stretch it out foreeeeever to get more $$$$?

This is one of those moments where the phrase “class war” becomes as literal as it can get. It’s also the moment where the governing class’ typical strategy to deflect from class warfare (namely, divide and conquer) becomes as transparently obvious as it can be.

“should self quarantine for 14 days if they have any compassion for others”

I think we’ve all pretty much already figured out that “compassion for others” is not a thing these people are interested in.

Twitter/Jack Dorsey have been absolutely appalling in their response to this. Her grieving parents and widower are being re-traumatized while twitter shrugs . It is disgusting that Trump gets to use his power to manipulate her memory, meanwhile those who actually have a claim to her memory stand by helplessly.

No one is suggesting you aren’t suffering. All women suffer for our gender, but in drastically different ways.

“Objection, assumes facts not in evidence.”

You’re wife didn’t bring it up again because she wants to know more. She wants to know if you’re trustworthy, and she thinks more information will help her know for sure.

Sometimes you just have to stand there in your wrongness and be wrong. That might mean telling the truth and dealing with the consequences, or it might mean keeping it to yourself and dealing with that emotional burden. Only you can determine which option is the better one based on the specifics of your relationship

I don’t know why I ever gave this show a chance because it didn’t seem like it was for me at all but I did and what a ride. It’s weird and creepy and BEAUTIFULLY shot. The leads are incredible and the recurring actors (Raúl Esparza, Gillian Anderson, Eddie Izzard, Michael Pitt, everyone) are a treat whenever they show

If the dating subs on reddit...REDDIT...saw fit to ban posts about breaking quarantine, who d fuck do you think you are?

I saw him again in late April and was sick within days. He’s still fine, I’m guessing he’s asymptomatic. I was so upset with him, after a well deserved dressing down, we ended up breaking up.

Um... that’s not how this works.