
Lets take a moment to study this face so that we can understand the word “unsettling.” Many years ago Roland Barthes wrote a short piece called “The face of Garbo” where he contrasted Garbo’s (to grossly simplify) iconic or representational face, filmic face with the more particular and specifistic face of Hepburn. It

McMillion$ was great. Every time I thought “this can’t possibly get any weirder,” it got much weirder. 

McMillion$ was amazing. So fascinating and kept me hooked to the end.

Ever since I turned 40 weed has gone from chilling me out to actually increasing my anxiety. We had a good 25 year run, THC, but friendship is over; now bourbon is best friend.

Drugs not hugs 

““Frankly, we’re the world leader in infectious diseases.””

Yeah, he’s about to be right, but not in the way that he thinks. 

It seems his whole ‘sickness’ appearance is a classic mafia move. At least during the Italian mafia reign in RI in the 70's-90's, several of the bosses who were on trial would fake heart attacks or exaggerate other conditions to post-pone conviction, gain sympathy, etc.

His sentence runs consecutively not concurrently...he ain’t never gettin’ out. On a separate note, I noticed when he was walking into court, he’d be hunched over using a walker. Once he got to the stairs, he would stand up straight and was a able to carry the walker up the stairs.

Barb prob should focus less on loving Hannah Ann and blaming Madison, and more on helping her son not be a total dummy. The fact that Peter can’t really stand up to his mom and defend his relationship instead of making Madison face off with her is a red flag. But I think Barb is right in that they are totally

Old man yells at clod.

I’m not exactly a Biden fan, but I have no idea how Biden telling off an asshole amounts to “anti-union.” Just because someone happens to be a member of an organization doesn’t mean they get a pass on everything they say or believe just because you support the organization.

History says otherwise.

I gotta say, I think you did her a disservice by choosing that pullquote for your headline. You know people are going to read it as if she is calling other women sluts for choosing to wear less concealing clothes, when I’m pretty sure she only meant this to be about herself.

If the rumors are true, and he’s going to go off and convince/persuade/force Madi to Give Him Another Chance...

What is the issue some people have with washing their hands? Yesterday a guy at work who I have always quite liked personally walked out of a bathroom stall and just out the door, no hands being washed. I will genuinely never look at him the same way again.

Same here. I’m in a 550sq foot 1br condo on Capitol Hill and I could barely find room to stash an extra 9-pack of TP.

Oh man. This goodbye tour has had an amazing wardrobe. She is killing it.

I don’t have space for hoarding! I live in Seattle, Ground Zero of this, and sorry, but it’s a one bedroom apartment. The fridge is full and the pantry’s full. The closet is stuffed with cat food and litter and salmon treats. I’m just going to have to depend on the kindness of strangers not to snap up every last

I’d love to know how she, Kate, and all of the other stiletto-wearing royals walk on cobblestones without killing themselves. Serious skill right there.

I read this as “my ex-boyfriend was the worst. I never want to see him again. Why is he not posting any updates on his public instagram?”