
I’m not going to judge a new parent for how they react in an emergency situation like this, but I am going to judge you if you use it as a photo op to try to look relatable on instagram.

Saw this last night and broke down realllll quick. I had my cancer diagnosis a few months before Alex, so I have been there with him the whole time. The way he describes the sudden depression with a side of trying to pull it together for everyone around you is so spot on I felt exposed. He really is a treasure to the

I’ve been a firm Warren supporter pretty much since she announced. I’m ideologically progressive and voted for Bernie in ‘16. I’ll likely vote for him again when the NY primary rolls around.

I love Lizzy Warrren. She is smart, thoughtful, and passionate. The only reason she is not running away with this thing is that we —as a country— fucking suck at doing the right thing.

This is the only solace I hope for. I need Biden to choose a (younger and Progressive) Cheney—a competent VP* who will actually run the country from behind the curtain while the president stumbles and bumbles around in front of the cameras. And someone who will be set up to take the torch once Biden heads home.**

I mean, if you’ve never killed anyone before, I guess “panic dismemberment and dumping of human remains” is the go to scenario...

Skip the anxiety and go straight to the resignation. Hell, maybe in 2024 the Dems can nominate someone in their FUCKING NINETIES to run against a third Trump term!

I suspect that he’d pick someone more aligned with his politics who has slightly more appeal to liberal voters, but that would add some diversity and relative youth to the ticket.  Kamala Harris, Corey Booker, and Julian Castro (at least among the primary candidates) would seem to fit that bill really well.  If he was

I suspect it will be Harris. Or maybe Castro. People have been saying Stacey Abrams, but I’m a Georgia resident who voted for her in the primary and general in 2018, and putting her on the ticket just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

Okay. So this makes it more or less officially 2016 all over again. All of Bloomberg’s, Buttigieg’s and Klobuchar’s pledged delegates will be freed to vote for Biden.

Poor American Samoa.

Good thing you wasted all that money on your vanity campaign rather than using it for down ballot races to help dismantle the political infrastructure put in by Trump and his ilk.

I read your comment as a SOILED pant and snorted very loudly.

Okay, so I’m a white lady from the incredibly diverse state of Wyoming and I was delighted by the ad. I didn’t feel discriminated against at all, because I understand how racism works. Goddamn, we shouldn’t have to placate fragile White Feelings and put them at the forefront when the goal is to empower girls and women

I agree. Too “Florida retiree.” Looks kinda cheap.

This just looks ill-fitting and frumpy to me.  That’s not what I think of when I think of J.Lo. 

Timberlake should have kept his dick in a box.

Ummm..  restrooms exist in most Staples locations. You might interrupt a hobo jerking off, but still.

Everyone else can weigh in on the substance, but I’d just like to state that I hate his affected “Britishisms”. Dude, you were BORN IN KENTUCKY.

Didn’t the producers ever see Cyrano de Bergerac? Love is only blind when it’s too late, and someone is dying of a head wound.