
‘The president’s body man’ conjures all manner of horrific images.

IDK I thought the “sweeping reform candidate with ACTUAL FUCKING STEP-BY-STEP PLANS” was a pretty great niche but what do I know

Same. Then I blocked the number.

I’ve been getting texts from various candidates for a while now and usually I ignore them. But less than an hour ago, I got a text from a Bloomberg supporter asking if they could count on my support and I had to reply. I said there’s no chance I’d support a racist billionaire republican in a democratic primary and

I’m for real looking forward to the new Strokes release, and am 100% on board with Special Interest. More weird classic punk offshoots, please!

Kylie Jenner got a bob.

I listened to my mom instead of Gottlieb, which is to say: I listened to myself.

DOWN WITH LOVE is a delight. It’s also a direct spoof of - or loving ode to - the Doris Day-Rock Hudson camp classic LOVER COME BACK (which is also intentionally camp), some of it uses clever shot-for-shot play on the earlier film.

I’m so sad about Warren’s rapid decline.  I really love her message, her passion, and her policy wonkiness.  I’m also more irritated than usual about the media frenzy feeding into this idea that somehow Iowa and New Hampshire, two very small, fairly conservative, and white states get to set the entire narrative for

I can’t imagine being the police chief of some small Virginia town being driven batty by some local nosy do-gooder who keeps calling to report that Stanley Earl’s truck is parked in Susan Anne’s driveway and has been there all night!


As a liberal Virginian its been great fun to watch the legislature this week. There were some misses (failed to repeal Right-to-Work, failed to pass a mandatory reporting structure for lost guns) but there have been a shit ton more hits than misses.

I guess now Virginia really is for lovers.

I’ve stopped eating sandwiches ever since the plague struck Sandwich, Kent in 1564.

Damn this is beautiful and shows how to be a real parent.

Nothing could be done? HE WAS LIVING IN A DORM ROOM. 

The “youth” in the green top is very...

This reminds me so much of the WAHAM conference episode of Shrill.  Tyra is making this seem like it’s all about empowerment, but it’s really just going to be a way to make $$$ off people’s insecurities. Sure, some people may have fun and think they got something out of it, just like some of the ladies at the

I’m pretty stoked that for once, a work on Ted Bundy keeps things in perspective. The story of Ted Bundy is what happens when a malignant nacissist is allowed to get away with it, over and over again. What Ann Rule put together about the women in his private life and how he treated them, is textbook narcissistic

You try to dignify what you do, but it’s just misogyny. Age-old male violence against women.” —Stella Gibson (played by Gillian Anderson) to a serial killer in The Fall