This sounds like a potential episode of Black Mirror.
This sounds like a potential episode of Black Mirror.
Oh my dad was huge on all that - “You’re letting the heat out! You’re letting the cool out!” If I happened to leave a room for one second without turning off the light, he’d yell: ”Once-ler!” - he’s very big on Lorax references.
In my mom’s voice: “where’s your parka? No playing with your toboggan until you’ve put on your parka!”
Well David Duke pretty much spoke the words we all knew to be true, they’re trying to fulfill Trump’s agenda, that’s why they voted for him.
Gah that is so ugly. But ugly pretty much reflects the ideology behind it.
Thought maybe they’d learned, but looks like they’re gonna get schooled. As one of my friends commented: “Charlottesville is polite, we are not...”
Yeah he’s one of the few people who got to do what he loves for a living. He’s been retired for a while now, but still volunteers with different tree related projects. I liked his idea too, green spaces fit perfectly with the existing feel of Monument - people already picnic on the medians, it’s a natural fit.
Yeah my dad heard the “second place trophies” phrase shortly after moving the family here from Madison, WI in the mid 70s. I don’t know who gets credit for it, but it’s stuck around our household for decades.
They should really have a rotating band of characters who get to ride the golden steed: “Ooh look it’s Tatum Channing this month!”
Agreed, as a resident who actually lives on the Avenue of Second Place Trophies (and one terribly rendered Arthur Ashe monument), I know the counter protest would have been massive. Especially with school in session.
I lived on Lake Michigan which dispelled the fear due to it’s size. But now whenever I think of relocating, I think coastal. I’m also a beach fan so I think that plays into it.
My current city is on a large river and I was raised on Lake Michigan. So while technically “landlocked”, I currently reside on the East Coast and well, being on Lake Michigan definitely doesn’t feel like being landlocked.
You forgot the requisite CSI Miami background explosion....
I have a weird claustrophobia about landlocked states! Not sure what drives it because it’s not like I can just run out into the Atlantic and flee....
In case he doesn’t, or needs additional help, there’s a fund that’s been set up for the injured.
So bizarre that it’s a nursing textbook. Touching is sort of part of the job.....
What, no mention of Quetzalcoatl?
It is! I love the color.
It took me a minute to realize that video was an actual performance versus a dress rehearsal where she might be forgiven for marking her routine. Lord that was uncomfortable to watch.
Oh so the same advice applies to hurricanes, tornadoes, and nuclear weapons! Good to know.