
In King's book, does this Epping fellow consider convincing the Secret Service to leave their AR-15 at home? Without that weapon in the motorcade, you don't have a kill shot...

My theory is that the weird-ass cloud thing was not Galactus himself, but a contemporary take on his Elemental Converter. It is my belief that had a third film been made, we would have seen Galactus himself appear on Earth, and I feel confident he would have been a very large humanoid alien biped.

The potential area affected by an earthquake may seem large, but the potential for loss of life and high damage is smaller than that of a tornado in nearly every case, simply because the intensity tends to be rather low the vast majority of the time. If earthquakes were a bigger threat, the death toll would be higher

No doubt. Of course, death tolls and damage costs due to tornados are profoundly higher than for earthquakes in the U.S. The number of deaths due to earthquakes in CA in the last 20 years is, I think, exactly one. On the other hand, I think the death toll from yesterday's tornado alone (in OK) was something like 30.

I live in L.A. and earthquakes don't bother me at all. Most of them aren't strong enough to even notice (or distinguish from a large truck driving by). The ones I do notice startle me, sure, but they don't really frighten me. And they happen at a rate of probably less than one per year on average. This is so

This is the same SyFy that spent unprecedented (for SyFy) amounts of $ on Defiance, yes? I am supposed to be encouraged by their "commitment"? Hmm...

This may explain why I haven't been in any hurry to watch Game of Thrones (I read the first ho-hum novel, but have yet to see any of the HBO series). You just described two pop culture "trends" that have gained zero traction with me. I have no fascination for apocalyptic anything, pre- or post-, and the "awful past"

It's not difficult to understand why there isn't more "good space opera" on SyFy (or any other network for that matter). First off, space opera is expensive. Second, good anything isn't just more expensive, it is very hard to achieve. The writing/producing talent required to pull of really good science fiction is


Nobody who has actually read Starship Troopers would call Uchu no Senshi "faithful" to the novel. You can't take so many liberties with the material and be faithful to it at the same time; it's a contradiction in terms. I mean, just because Verhoven's film was an utter travesty of adaptation (it can't be called satire

Sorry, but in my book, there is no such thing as a "badass" exoskeleton. Exoskeletons are the Toyota Priuses of the future-soldier arena: a stopgap technology finding a way to be useful until the real thing finally comes along, in this case full-on Mobile Infantry-style powered armor. I suspect that many of the folks

This show has been sporting a very Vangelis type background score pretty much all along.

Ah, right! Thank you for reminding me of that.

I want to see this just for Rocket Racoon. I can't help it. The Racoon rocks...

The survey is not an intellectual minefield littered with trick questions. For example, if you answer "no" to the question of whether we are descended from earlier primate forms, then it must be because either (a) You don't believe in evolution on ideological grounds, (b) You don't know about evolution at all, or (c)

It is almost entirely the result of studios exploiting their stranglehold on the source of work and getting fx houses based in the U.S. to kill themselves trying to be price-competitive with fx houses in countries that offer 40-50% rebates on their labor costs. If mismanagement was a primary factor, it would only have

For shippers who get the blues when their sport of choice goes on permenant hiatus (due to a book, movie, or tv series ending), there is the endless realm of fan fiction. It seems to me that once a franchise has passed fully into the hands of fandom, any sentiments subsequently expressed by the original creator are

13 episodes is not a season. It is a mini-series. A season used to be half a year's worth of weekly content. Then it dropped to 22 episodes (+/- 2 episodes), and 88 episodes became the "sellable into syndication" threshold instead of 100. But now the networks are using the popularity of British shows (and a growing

I imagine God sanctions the Order of the Dragon and all its campaigns regardless of era or time zone. Same Crusade, different century. Whatevs.

The demon doesn't inhabit the lantern. The lantern sends demons back to Hell. It is a transporter, not a prison.