
The texture and weave of that suit just screams “This was made in a Hollywood costume shop.” rather than “This is a Kryptonian fabric.” A failure of imagination, as usual.

I wish studios would stop “re-envisioning” stories that don’t need or benefit from it. The only reason to do this is to make money off a known property rather than risk resources on a fresh, new idea. Of course, this is nothing new in Hollywood, but just once I’d like to see a generation of young consumers reject such

The output of these analytics aren’t the copyrighted words themselves. They are statistics (numbers) and stylistic conclusions drawn from the text. I’m not aware of any portion of copyright law that prohibits the transformation of copyrighted text into statistical data. The output of Prosecraft does not resemble the

The OGL—in all its forms—largely exists to give permission for things that nobody legally needs permission for in the first place. The whole thing could be scrapped, rolled back, re-written, or removed from existence via time travel and practically nobody would be affected by it, including streamers and most 3rd party

There was a time when Tengwar keycap assignments were expected to match Dan Smith’s font encodings, but I guess keyboard/keycap makers aren’t held to that standard anymore.

The main objection to ep 7 is that it is jarringly shoved at a cliffhanger point, right before the climax of the season. The episode is functional, but it destroys the pace and tone of the narrative.

1. It’s demodogs, not demidogs.

Yoda aside, I felt that RotJ began what I refer to as the muppetization of Star Wars. It was when Lucas began making very poor filmmaking decisions for dubious reasons (to promote toys, to appeal to little kids, and to retaliate for his wife’s infidelity). It was clearly the beginning of the end of integrity for the

I think we’re expected to understand that Kara has the same Instant Change power that Clark has. Pulling aside outer garments to reveal the supersuit underneath is just a conceit for the viewer and a bit of fanservice to a very old tradition, but the truth is, they can will themselves into and out of “superhero form”

Well, in the comics, Jessica Jones briefly joined the Avengers as a superhero. In her Netflix series, she alludes to her time spent trying to be a superhero. We never saw her teaming up with the Avengers in either movie, but it would not be difficult to integrate her into a flashback of low-intensity events involving

Red Skull isn’t an Inhuman from thousands of years ago. That is what the inner circle of Hydra believes that entity to be.

Quite lovely.

Feh. It’s no fun unless you can conquer the Star Trek galaxy with the Imperial Fleet...

Count me as not a huge fan of dark colors (especially black) that were not part of the comic-book version of the costume. Nor am I a fan of armor plating/padding on a costume that wasn’t deemed necessary for the comic book incarnation.

My only issues with this are (1) the size of zombie Hulk, and (2) the fact that these desicated corpses still spew oxygen-rich red blood. Maybe they shouldn’t be called zombies...

I’m pretty sure it’s because the primary audience for male superhero comics are other males, and they wouldn’t find heroes in “banana hammocks” appealing. Commerce trumps politically correct notions of “equality” every time. How is this a mystery?

To do well in this game, you don’t need to be an artist. You need to be a storyteller. Which I think is harder. But maybe describing this as a storytelling game rather than a comic drawing game would help lure in the non-artists out there.

I think Natalie isn’t commenting on the viewers, but the players. Players of “regular sports” burn a lot of calories playing their sport of choice. Video gamers burn virtually none. Glorifying football (on tv) probably does do more to fight the obesity problem than glorifying League of Legends, but at the same time

Barry would easily notice a slab of ice surrounding Snart. Everything else in the world looks like it is standing still; Barry's senses work at superspeed too, so he has oodles of time to see the ice and avoid it. There is clearly no conservation of momentum/inertia when the Speed Force is in effect, so you can throw

I work in visual fx where teams like mine are routinely tasked with putting a digital double into a shot that I believe would look ten times better with a talented stunt person or martial artist. I hate it when the visceral benefits of putting real people in front of the camera are disregarded in favor of other