
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who was able to decode the scene between Grayson and Lady Jayne.

I'm not sure any of this matters. Artists and photojournalists will use whatever technology gets the results they are after, and everyone else will use whatever is cheapest and most convenient. I don't find it surprising in the least that digital technology is converging such that both groups of people are using the

Of course they can. But most straight men find neither vibration nor penetration a sexually stimulating sensation. And 90% or more of all non-fetish gear falls into either the vibrator or dildo category. All it takes is one look at any sex toy catalog or sales database to see what I mean. The main reason for this, I

I guess this is great news for anyone who uses vibration and/or penetration as a primary orgasm accelerant. As a straight male, the sex toy industry is essentially irrelevent. Still.

Okay, let's suppose that the survey methodology is substantially flawed and the reality is that 80% of Republicans/Americans/Humans/whatever accept evolution. That still leaves 20% who don't. That's 20% more than it should be. The real problem is not survey methodologies, is all I'm sayin'.

Well, to be fair, even the traditional retelling of that tale in Japan distorts the rules of Bushido, as they existed at the time of the 47, in order to make an entertaining story of heroic vengeance out of it. The rules of honor would have demanded that the 47 take immediate action (suicidal and futile as it would

Yeah, but what inspired the insanity that filled the pages of the Fiend Folio? I refuse to accept any explanation that doesn't involve powerful pharmaceuticals...

This is all really very simple. A villain on a show like this is anyone who threatens the well-being of the main characters. Damon would only ever become a villain if he turned on Stefan and Elena for real. Even when Stefan was running around as a ripper, he was only a villain when his actions were hurting Elena. As

I'm not convinced Lady Jayne was telling the truth about having female lovers in her past. Not that it isn't a highly plausible lie, it's just that I think it was simply a ploy to gain Lucy's confidence and convince her to profess her love to Mina. We don't yet know what Lady Jayne's game is with Lucy, but it makes

It made no sense to me that they didn't immediately try to tranquilize the baby, or put it into a medically induced coma. Sure, William would just pass on the Harker trouble to another member of the family, but only Audrey knew of that threat and it came late in the episode. There was quite a bit of time before then

I assumed that the low (meaning crude, if not prurient) joke was that this dragon was given an obscurely phallic name: "a penetrating worm".

I think the title of this article is true for 9 year olds, but for anyone more mature than a 4th grader, there isn't anything in the cringeworthy "relationships" of Robotech to celebrate.

Do we know if 18 is even the age of consent for Togrutans in the Empire? Or are we to suppose that every humanoid race has exactly the same physical and emotional development schedule as we do?

I actually prefer Koplow dice myself.

News flash: the entire universe is one massively complex machine.

Ending humanity and ending the world (the planet Earth) are two very different things. The former is a chilling inevitability, while the latter is probably impossible except by purely cosmological (i.e., natural) events. Humanity can fairly easily end itself; it doesn't have the means to destroy the planet however,

Avatar couldn't launch a new genre because it already belongs to a well-established one: space opera. And Inception was too unique to be turned into its own genre. As for the others, the common thread is that they are all YA in nature. I think Hollywood believes that just because a movie/franchise is aimed at kids

This idea of vampires that prefer to feed on other vampires reeks of two predecessors that did it better: Vampire the Masquerade (diablerie) and Blade II (reapers).

Wow. What an incredibly long-winded way of restating what rational people have known for decades: that UFO sightings invariably correspond to the pop culture depictions of extraterrestrials of their day.

Or pinched from Hot For Teacher, not fan fiction. A worthy source of pinchage if there ever was one!