
I find it interesting that nameless CW execs are making a call like this without first seeing the fan reaction to ep. 8 and 9. They seem to be drunk on the success of The Originals, and have now decided that every spinoff idea they have is made of gold.

I'm pretty sure Gen. Olgivy was garrotted, not poisoned.

Can someone explain to me why Stephan would have been drowning over and over again? How can a vampire, which is a corpse that can pretend to be alive, drown at all? Vampires don't need to breathe.


I wasn't too surprised they would go that way with Maleficent, since Hollywood has a long tradition of using English accents to represent villainy. But I don't recall Aurora having such an accent in the Disney version, nor am I aware of any reason she would have one based on the fairy tale's country of origin (which

Why the English accents? Is this just another case of Hollywood using English accents as a cheap way to sell the notion of other-worldliness?

I'm all for the Lucy/Mina romance they're cultivating. Every time I see them together, I see Kiera Knightly and Liv Tyler instead for some reason. You'll hear no complaints from me!

This episode suffered from way too much exposition masquerading as dialog. More than usual.


Putting your vision in the audience's hands and then changing things as a result shows a complete lack of confidence in your creative team. The storytelling talent in your writing room should be capable of doing their (rather highly paid) jobs without consulting with or pandering to viewers. I've never seen a show

I think Simmons is absolutely adorable. This episode made me really care about her. Well done.

Binge viewing is a choice that you make, right? Netflix doesn't make it for you.

Every single one of the links either demands that I register or that I download a media player. I get immediately suspicious when I am required to download a video plugin or app when there are existing media players already installed for my browser that the rest of the world uses to deliver video. The "free content"

Well, every time I try to watch an episode through either of those links, the playback stops and blocks until I register an email address with them. I don't know what I'm doing wrong in trying to avoid that.

Thanks for the links. Unfortunately, I refuse to register with sites like those. FX just needs to drag themselves into the 21st century...

But you have to pay for that priviledge, no? I get the FX channel, but my DVR messed up the first episode and missed the second, and so unless there is a free method to catch up, I'm just not going to bother. Unlike the other networks where I can see the episodes I've missed right from their website, FX seems to have

George has observed the nature of any ongoing tv series. High concept usually gives way to the need to tell a new story week after week after week. Eventually, the writers and producers realize they've strip-mined the genre premise of all its ore and must resort to just showing the characters interacting with each

There's no (officially sanctioned) way to watch these episodes online if I missed them on tv, is there?

There's no (officially sanctioned) way to watch these episodes online if I missed them on tv, is there?

I submit that the reasons people like that version of WW is because (a) Kane is very attractive without looking like a plastic stripper, (b) the costume is simple and without garish adornments, and (c) it features no bright colors. It is clear that audiences will not accept superhero costumes unless they are black