
How is this any more impressive than, say, a Formula One transmission in which gears interact at speeds up to 10,000 rpm?

How is this any more impressive than, say, a Formula One transmission in which gears interact at speeds up to 10,000 rpm?

I dunno. I just hear more empty talk like I've heard out of WB/DC for the last decade. I expect their creative paralysis to continue.

That was the teaser from two Comic-Cons ago. It finally shows up online and WB still doesn't want anyone to see it... geez!

If I'm not mistaken, "the Apocalypse", also known as Judgement Day, is on God's cosmic calendar and can't be forestalled (or brought about earlier than Planned). If this is the time for The Rapture, then there's nothing anyone can, or should, do about it. In fact, all those of Judeo-Christian faith (which would

It was pretty but it suffered from amateuritis big time. Someone needs to teach directors that slow motion and orchestral music does not equate to drama. It looked like someone who learned all the wrong lessons from Zack Snyder. And a superhero never looks good when put up against stupid villains. Those gunmen need to

Same here. On all counts.

Exactly what I was thinking. These images are very cool, but the utterly unnecessary splatter effects almost ruin them for me.

Population growth will always outpace our ability to support it with infrastructure. There is no technological solution to this problem; it is entirely sociological/philosophical.

Is that last paragraph written with tongue firmly planted in cheek? If not, could you let Analee write all future articles on Area 51 please? tyvm

I like it when language changes because certain words and/or grammatical rules fail to serve the needs of communication. However, the sort of change we are seeing here is not in response to a failure of a word to communicate an idea adequately. It is in response to a desire to (mis)use a word purely for "dramatic

I'm not excited by these movies featuring exoskeleton tech (Elysium, Edge of Tomorrow). In terms of technological progress, exos are simply a clunky, forgettable stepping stone on the path to full-on powered armor. Hollywood has finally figured out how to make movies featuring heroes fighting inside powered armor

The prissy hate is what passes for participation in nerd culture these days.

I fail to see how new work can alter (or in any way affect) the original work that inspired it. As bad as new fan fiction might turn out to be, there is no way for it to go back in time and erase, change, or replace the original. So if the fan-created work is likely to be really bad, don't read it. Go back to the

I agree completely, CJ.

I think all the conjecture over whether this will be a "vs." or an "and" movie is moot.

Domestic box office only accounts for about 1/3rd of a tentpole's revenue. Twice as much money comes from international box office. At some point, pundits need to stop looking at domestic box office as the main indicator of a film's performance, because the studios have stopped doing that for almost a decade.

The heights for nearly all the men are most likely exaggerated, which is typical for Hollywood. In fact, the only height I really buy is Nimoy's.

I think you forget that the target audience for this sort of stuff is around 12 years old...

Well, to my mind monogamous commitment is a socially induced disorder and rampant hypersexuality is the cure. So there!