
Yes, classic Newitz.

And I assume that vamping, curing, and re-vamping are all mysterious supernatural phenomena that don't follow conventional rules of nature or logic. Ultimately they work however the writers need them to work. I'm pretty sure that if the writers decide it would be more interesting for Katherine to get re-vamped at some

With so many talentless young actors to choose from, why pick just one? I mean, both of the Twilight leads are standout examples, and if Calculon is going to be based on a pop culture phenomenon, Twilight is clearly the larger, easier target (phony robot hair color nothwithstanding).

Which Merlyn? Malcom? He isn't quite dead (a small tidbit learned at the John Barrowman panel at Comic-Con).

I think a Batman vs. Superman movie sounds like a great idea, especially when presented so dramatically at Comic-Con, but I have a feeling the results will not live up to the perceived potential.

Yeah, this is all just code for "We have neither the budget nor the creative vision to create a television show about costumed superheroes. So we'd decided to make this instead." It's the next iteration of dull pseudo-superhero drama after failures like Heroes and Alphas. Part of the reason Arrow is doing well is

This film will probably have as much in common with Heinlein's Starship Troopers novel as Verhoeven's film did, which is "nothing whatsoever".

I was one of the lucky ones who saw that teaser last year (and again this year) and I'm as pissed as you are that it still isn't online.

All you snarky b*tches are just jealous that you weren't in hall H losing your sh*t with everyone else.

Yeah, yeah, I like this character too. But you make the same mistake that my good friend makes when advocating for this character being added to the MCU. It's simply not going to happen because she duplicates the powers of too many existing MCU characters.

I absolutely love that sword design as well. I have a replica hanging on my wall. I would love to get my hands on an actual prop from the film some day.

This could just be the usual negotiations process, played out in front of the public. Or it could be a sign that the producers have little faith in the sequel's prospects for high box office performance. If you are producing a summer blockbuster that is expected to bring in over half a billion $USD in worldwide box

Return of the Jedi wasn't merely the swan song of Mark Hamill's live action acting career, it was the death blow to the fine legacy of storytelling the Star Wars franchise acquired after the first two culture-altering films. It was the turning point in which George Lucas went from promising director/storyteller to

I can't wait for the general public to go around crowing that Seager has proven there are at least two planets out there with intelligent life. Her equation is way too subtle in its ambitions (and consequent conclusions) for the masses to interpret properly. Once "news" channels, "science" channels, online

I like it! Though the CG elves flitting about the treetops in pursuit of the dwarves in the barrels was unconvincing. And I still don't approve of Tauriel's hair color. But I definitely like the way she and Legolas move in combat!

Simplistic? Lazy? Hollywood is confused by this polemic; billions in box office revenue proves (to them) that simplistic, lazy storytelling is what audiences want. Why else would the public willingly part with their entertainment dollars and consume such drek so voraciously?

I was thinking the exact same thing!

It amazes me how many folks believe we can turn back 150,000 of evolution with a few decades of cultural deprogramming.

Yeah, I will certainly wait to see her in the context of the actual film before passing final judgment. But adding an all-new character that could logically have resided in Thranduil's kingdom doesn't, IMO, confer license to add an entirely new geneological line of Elves that Tolkien never envisioned.

Tolkien goes out of his way to assign hair colors to the various geneological lines of elves, and those colors are always either black, very dark brown, gold (blond), or silver (white). The fact that only three specific Elves are ever described as having red hair strongly suggests that they were the rare exceptions to