
I'd prefer to see a Star Wars show in which the Empire discovers the Star Trek "quadrants", conquers them, and exterminates that tepid franchise once and for all. Putting Star Trek out of its (and our) misery would be a great cultural laxative, I think.


Cuz that's what guys want in a life-long partner: one who won't want to separate but also won't want to have sex. Joy.

Alas, I do not watch Family Guy, so I have not seen his Star Trek parodies. In what way were they insulting?

No, but I would probably call 911 and take photos for later legal action.

I saw this show for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I watched a couple of episodes back-to-back at a friend's house. It is pretty much everything CJA described it to be, but in all honesty it just didn't click with me. I think I have difficulty enjoying anything with surrealist elements because it inevitably

Is Phoenix Jones a vigilante or just a costumed Good Samaritan? Either way he seems to be unclear as to what his code of behavior should be. A vigilante wouldn't hesitate to use pepper spray or kali sticks or even guns, and wouldn't apologize for their use. Getting caught (and prosecuted) by the law is just one of the

One reason MGM has been so willing, over the years, to keep this franchise alive for so many films is because they are relatively easy and cheap to make (or can be). And, naturally, since the brand is popular world-wide and has multiple generations of fans who will gladly pay to watch the next installment, they are a

This trailer is sort of meh for me overall. Don't get me wrong, I am still itching to see this movie. But this trailer didn't quite measure up to my expectations (for an Avengers trailer). Maybe because there was just a little too much RDJ doing his "thing"—I can only take it in little bites, and here it is almost

Perhaps. But I think Ed Norton matches the Ultimates version of Banner better, and these movies have been borrowing heavily from the Ultimates continuity in terms of look and feel of these characters. This is most obviously true with Nick Fury, but I think even the Widow and Hawkeye we're getting are more Ultimates

I think you may be ascribing the wrong cause for that effect.

A lot of those problems look to me like the natural consequences of doing little to no advanced character design and/or no advanced story plotting/pre-planning. Not knowing where your story is "going" or what your characters should do next is a sure sign that you didn't work out who these people were, what their

Other than involving a high-level branch of government, I see no connection with or similarity to The West Wing worth mentioning here.

The cartoony style of the character designs (which match the comic, to be sure) conflicts with the natural motion capture animation "style". At least to my eyes. Probably not to the eyes of a generation of kids growing up on video game trailers in which imperfectly rendered/designed digital human characters are

Santa has had to upgrade his workshop tremendously to keep up with the growing population.

And why, exactly, do we care if her explanation is forensics-grade accurate or if it is just a romantic embellishment?

By giving him the same skeleton and muscle architecture as a human, this looks less like Godzilla and more like a Lizard Man from D&D. Simply sticking dorsal spines and a tail on a scaly human body doesn't really cut it as a design meant to make us think "Godzilla".

I think this is just a fancy way of saying humans are control freaks.

Wow. And I thought the show couldn't possibly have been worse than it was. Boy, was I wrong...

Yeah, I know. I was mocking all the Chicken Littles. My mockery wasn't nearly intense enough I can see. ;)