
Yes, should be a lot more of a badass and a lot more trying to be prepared for those situations.

Most "hot" people don't want to date "regular" people to begin with, so I don't think that figures into their sense of lonliness. Now, if lots of hot people are being so passive that they are leaving all their prospects up to the willingness of others to initiate things, then their loneliness is easily solved by

No doubt. I didn't say it wasn't canon. I merely said I wasn't a fan of it. But then, I'm not a fan of short hair on women in general. I much prefer long flowing tresses.

I love how a story about a scam that works "by targeting the dateless and lonely," is given a headline photo of a hot, shirtless young guy (in bed with a laptop) who has probably never experienced a single "lonely" or dateless day in his post-adolescent life. I guess he is meant to represent the scammers in this

"Realistic take on things" and "Hollywood action film" are in conflict with each other I'm afraid. The producers of this film will almost surely insist that the fight between the hero and the villain (or even the sidekick and the main henchman) must drag out like a 12-round Rocky vs. Apollo fight. Not because it is

But how can it be that the LHC has taken over such an important role in science? Wasn't it supposed to turn us all into grey goo or convert the universe into strange matter or open a black hole or something? I mean, everyone was convinced the LHC was to be the harbinger of the End Times, so how can it be up and

I can't wait for this movie! I've been chomping at the bit for it ever since the plan for it was revealed all those years ago.

This is pure win.

We don't know much about the Sylar/Spock actor's new character. But we do know that he'll be in four episodes total...

I think lots of different people are bothered by lots of different things. Yet the headlines all try to distill it down to the essence of just one objection: Starfire has been turned into a "sexpot". You are right, the actual meat of the interview with the 7-year-old daughter reveals that the her misgivings have

There seems to be some disagreement over what the "controversy" is really all about here.

Just make good movies. Genre and subject matter are separate issues to quality.

Why do we constantly have to be going to the well of the apocalypse? Why do we keep getting shows that assume we're going to just blow everything to crap and leave it all a smoking crater?

Well, I like the original image except for the fact that it is Batman. I would have preferred it be Batgirl instead. *snicker*

I thought Priya served as a great foil for Sheldon when she summoned her legal expertise on Leonard's behalf and challenged the roommate agreement. That was a great episode.

And a few people have the chance to go back in time...

I first saw Ksenia Solo on Life Unexpected where she also played sidekick to the central character. That show only gave her character a single note to play, really, but I have to say she played it very well. However, as Kenzi I think Solo really shines. We get a much better look at her range as an actress, as well as

I guess I just didn't find the first four seasons compelling enough to really get too bent out of shape over the missing fifth. It wasn't nearly the tragedy that was Babylon 5's 4th and 5th seasons...

The original film's satire on early 1990s political correctness feels instantly dated...

I caught the first several episodes when I was staying in Vancouver for a couple of months last Fall. I really enjoyed it. The show concept is pretty cool I guess, but for me it really all revolves around Ksenia Solo. I hope she gets her own series of some kind one day.