
Oh, I agree completely. It was a show about the kind of administration we wish we had, a sort of wish fulfillment fantasy (arch-conservative h8erz aside, of course), and that's what made it endearing. But you don't really absorb that until after you've watched it for a while, and I really didn't think it would be

Oops. Okay, so it was 7 seasons. My bad.

Farscape had four seasons and a sequel tv movie. That was quite enough for what that show was (light space opera fare), IMO. I would hardly call it the victim of itchy cancellation fingers.

But science fiction, particularly, is a genre of ideas - ideas that usually resist the reduction into the doctor-lawyer-cop mode. And all too often, when people don't understand a thing they either don't let it on the air - unless they monkey with it to such an extent that the ideas are gone and it's a husk of what it

I seem to have a fetish for women who say "Yes". The rarity of it has made it so. ;)

The somewhat tepid pilot for Secret Circle reminded me of Vampire Diaries in the beginning when it was still trying to find its voice. Well, TVD delivered spectacularly over the course of its first two seasons, something which surprised me because I had very dour if not sneer-worthy expectations for TVD prior to air

I haven't seen the fourth season, but based on the tepid third season and its yawn-inducing finale, I can't say I'm the least bit surprised to hear the fourth season was a dud. I mean, didn't we all see this coming once we saw that the show was literally going into faerie land?

I think the best use of re-editing time would be to:

One of the best horror movies of all time in my book. It got pretty much everything right, and provided the template for modern slasher films. It still ranks up there as a great movie to watch, in the dark, on Halloween night, with a date who has never seen it before.

This is merely what happens when a director loosely plots a chase scene, tries to plan it through pre-visualization, learns that much of what was plotted is impractical or can't be shot without creating a confusing array of axial line crosses, spatial positioning cheats, velocity cheats, and other fixups, but just

I lurvs ya for the Illyria shout-out.

For some reason as I scanned the text, that phrase about Clinton just popped out at me. The rest of it was simply tl;dr. Sorry. Nothing personal.

I think by the end of the decade of Clinton rule...

Well, if Paramount would just produce my Lensman script, I assure you stylish, epic space opera would make a huge comeback and every tv network would be scrambling to cash in on it. Kim Kinnison to the rescue!

I dunno. Expecting SyFy to make science fiction a priority (any more than any other network, like say, Fox or ABC) just because its name suggests a vestigial connection to the genre is like expecting the NFL Network to make soccer a priority because the "F" in NFL stands for football. At this point, good sci-fi

I have to admit that this suit looks more like something an alien culture might have designed, as opposed to the simplistic outfit Joe Shuster originally drew. Still, all that side filigree suggests a vaguely aquatic motif to me, so I'm not sure it really "works" for me. But I don't completely hate it.

Are there? According to that map at Harvard, there is Cambridge (Mass), California, and a small unnamed blank space in between. ;)

I would have thought that intrinsic to the notion of Destined Love is the fact that the couple belongs together, i.e., they are right for each other. You know, soul mates and all that. If so, then it isn't a prison sentence, it is heaven on earth. If not, then the story has to go to great lengths to explain what it

The notion that Latinos are increasingly identifying themselves as religiously unaffiliated seems to contradict the prevailing notion that California's Prop 8 was passed on the strength of the unprecedented numbers of religiously conservative Latinos who showed up at the polls in order to vote for Obama and strike

I pretty much agree with all of these. However, I would go so far as to say that most of them are just plain bad ideas period, and shouldn't have been executed even once, much less enough times to be seen as "trends".