
Here’s the thing though, when you start on the “parents know best” trend, then why value expert opinion at all? What if parents don’t want their kids going to school? Or what if they feel it’s okay for them to get married at age 13? The state acts as somewhat of an advocate for all citizens, including children.

They really can’t. It’s not like he’d be lying in one seat in a commercial airplane with one IV hooked up, and without professional caregivers. It would be an enormous undertaking with a team of professionals and numerous machines and monitors.

“all of those machines can fly in an airplane. all of them”

This is a case where the parents are being abusive by putting the baby through completely pointless pain and suffering. At that point, it makes sense for government to step in and protect the child from his parents. Now, the parents believe this further pain and suffering has a chance to improve his condition, but

Not the government.

My favorite tactic is to just go full head-tilt “I’m so confused” and repeatedly ask for an explanation until the person figures out that they’ve fucked up. Racist comments, sexist comments, whathaveyou - all met with a “hang on, what do you mean by that?” and then “can you clarify XYZ point?” Just relentless (yet

I mean, if it is something that is clearly illegal, like insulting someone because of their gender or race, that might work. On the other hand, if it is something else, it might be protected speech. For instance, in California, political views are protected at work so there is not much HR can do to prevent a

We have a male coworker (known for hitting on every young 20-something that comes to the office in a clod-footed, buffoonish way) who told one of my colleagues: “Wow! You lost the baby weight. Good for you!”on TWO separate occasions. Sadly, neither time was in my presence, because I would have been anything but

Some people, no matter the effort, will always find it not enough. And it’s true, we could always do more. But perfection is the enemy of good.

Everything - by your own admission! - is being done to handle this project as sensitively as possible. They have a woman directing it, they have Bill Kong as EP. They are, quoting you, “trying desperately [to be] culturally sensitive.” They’re doing everything right.

Thank you:)

Totally off-topic, but I think Joe has an ice-cream fetish. The ice cream place we go to on vacation has a “Vice President Joe Biden visited on x date” sign. Then, we went to a local ice cream place near my house and they had a framed letter on the wall from Joe about how much he enjoyed their ice cream.

The hero we don’t deserve.

This picture in this thread is like seeing the one who got away while walking with the one you’re trying to get away from ASAP.

It’s funny because Jews. Oh wait, it’s not 1939 anymore. Nevermind.

I watch his videos.

I’m guessing this was made in a Big hurry. Or maybe the seamstress knew that the check would bounce:/

“Sending nudes is the new handshake!”

I fully support this idea, because the Santorum thing should go down in history as one of the greatest accomplishments of all time, and because Trump is so fucking think-skinned its probably the best way to get to him.

I read way too many of these (up until “foxhead garlands”) before realizing this was satire.