
The time spent writing this article v. the time spent writing a better article would both get the exact same paycheck. So why bother writing a better article?

I think that some of the laziest article “writing” consists of posting someone else’s content without even bothering to provide any context. This is one of those; these are pictures of animals that very few people (and probably none of the commenters here) will ever see in person, and there seems to be more interest

But actual research into what these are takes effort... and “OMG NOPE” content gets more clicks than actual “here’s what these actually are” content.

Let’s not be xenophobic. These are the closest things to aliens we probably have on our planet, other than James Carville. Is this how we will respond to actual aliens, if they look all freaky deaky to us?

That’s why I don’t get these Singularity people. I’m sure they aren’t planning to live like this, but immortality of itself, no matter how young/fit you remain, seems to be a curse. Eventually the world will change so much you won’t want to be a part of it anymore.

Maybe don’t ask for details about the end of the film if you don’t want to know details about the end of the film.

“I’m a Trump supporter”

The director spoke about it in interviews, a script doctor was brought in to tweak after the first pass. It’s pretty standard practice with large tent pole features like this. Given it was the first in the “A Star Wars Story” films it was scheduled into production as they knew they were going to have to fine tune the

True story. I think perseverating over Trump’s *haha* minor fails is like taking a break from a dense textbook to read a stupid gossip mag. A little light junk food fare for the mind to keep it from exploding.

No one said it was her job. Tilda asked if it was ok, very politely. Cho accepted. You can’t just absolve her of the words she said after that because she shouldn’t have accepted in the first place. How would you suggest Tilda gain knowledge on the subject?

“Only the incredible bias and prejudice of this post’s author.”

“Granted, I am white...but am I missing something?”

I’m whiter than the background color here so I just want to point out the issue with this sentiment from that perspective. Also please note I will be speaking in overt generalities here.

Actually, it is your (our) job. That sucks to hear and it isn’t what I want to believe either, but there’s a difference between the way things “should be” and the way they actually are. No, as a gay person of color, I don’t want MY life to revolve around teaching straight white folk about racism, but I also know–at

How is asking questions equated as have Cho do Swinton’s “intellectual labor”? That assessment seems colossally unfair.

Yeah, funny enough, that’s exactly how I hoped a conversation like that would go and for some reason it seems like Cho decided to twist it around on the podcast for comedic purposes. Maybe there’s more to it than this, but right now Cho looks very bad.

One of my favorite things to do at work is to simply respond with the forwarded email that contains whatever they said that they’re now claiming they didn’t say.

seriously. she didn’t need to make a statement. she was just like, “here are the fucking emails. have fun.”

Oh yeah...I remember those little footrests. Those were helpful. Dangling feet is super uncomfortable! The blood all pools to you feet and ankles like a centrifuge.