
I’m such a sucker for this. Every damn time.

Megan, this was your best one yet. Meme time!!

Dear Santa Claus,

there is no ‘s at the end. Shit like that gets brand managers up in arms and not approving content.

Ooh, definitely the same guy. Hard to tell if it’s the same girl since her face doesn’t show much in the kidnapping one, but it’s entirely possible. (Also, these videos have very similar timing as the kidnapping one, in terms of how the lines are delivered and the camera shots are cut together.)

Really? Ugh, I must’ve missed that episode of Family Guy. Glad I did, too.

My thoughts as well regarding his speech patterns. He sounds like a bad actor trying to sound natural but struggling to remember his lines. Especially, as you say, a few of the lines around the Kay Jewelers part of the delivery.

Nobody ever remembers this show when I mention it! I really enjoyed it. I had no idea, though, that two TV movies were made. I have gotta track those down just for shits & giggles.

Agreed. Article author, how about adding this to the article?

If cutting can be tough, studies keep showing that frozen veggies are as healthy as fresh veggies, and they are typically pre-cut into segments. Sometimes when I’m tired after a long day, I just dump a couple of bags of frozen veggies and a bag of frozen chopped chicken into a pot of chicken broth. Add rice (or grain

I love you for sharing this. Why is it that the little tweaks are always the greatest?

Agreed, konjac sponges are my new favorite facial exfoliator.

Everything you just said. Both on Cap and Wolverine.

Holy shit. You’re right.

I was just about to ask exactly the same thing. I honestly can’t tell if that’s real or not. Good god.

I use mild (i.e. “bland”) body lotion on my face all the time. Especially if I just lotioned up my hands and have a little left...I pat it into my cheeks. Never seemed like a problem to me. (As you said in the article, I’m talking about stuff like Cetaphil lotion.)

Paula Begoun is constantly saying that eye cream is just face cream in a smaller container with a higher price tag. That has saved me a lot of angst (and money) over the years. I know there are some things you shouldn’t use around your eyes but as long as it’s a mild, simple face cream, it’s apparently 100% fine.

Not sure, but I’ve read that in a pinch you can use a dab of lotion to smooth your hairstyle if you don’t have any hair products on hand. Useful!

If this guy becomes President we will all feel like we are in a four year abusive marriage.

“We are always grateful to any rising literary man who does not fill us with physical loathing”