It’s stories like this that remind me of the real benefits of advancing technology. Not recording 5000 Vines, but using that technology in a way that will bring a killer to justice. Good for her to have the presence of mind to think of doing this.
It’s stories like this that remind me of the real benefits of advancing technology. Not recording 5000 Vines, but using that technology in a way that will bring a killer to justice. Good for her to have the presence of mind to think of doing this.
Did anyone else catch where he says in his bio that he has “honed his ability to make mincemeat out of the human Ego”?
Thanks for the link! This is just what I wanted to know.
You should probably just change how you dress, how you style yourself, and in fact overhaul your whole visual identity. That would solve your problem. You’ve brought this upon yourself, you know....if you’d just put on a petticoat and some appropriate-length bloomers, you wouldn’t have to worry about your safety out…
This. Now it’s just about how you dress and whether you look enough like what a woman or man is “supposed” to look like.
Best comment of the day.
I love you.
Years ago, our dog got one of those big 1-lb blocks of cheddar cheese off the table, and had it wedged in her mouth halfway, with drool dripping down the sides and off the ends. She couldn’t chew it but refused to let it go (once we finally caught her in the dining room). We still laugh over it.
Mr. Elthwaite and Mrs. Quint can go grumble and bond over their hatred of goats. I am right there with you...I have wanted goats for so long. Fresh goat milk every day?? Are you KIDDING me??
Wait. Wait. There’s a new baby giraffe in Santa Barbara? For real? Is it out for public viewing yet?
things I
That sounds beyond horrible. I’m so glad I’ve never even heard of it, let alone seen it.
How did I not get that. I blame lack of coffee.
I agree, definitely ruining your life. Mine won’t let me have a miniature pig, twin pygmy goats, a reticulated python, OR a bat.
I don’t....what? What is that even supposed to mean?
That’s a really, really excellent question. Now I’m curious too.
What the.......
One of the things that I like so much about most MMOs is that by the very nature of the game environment, you’re playing just another “regular” person in that world. Unlike a single-player videogame where you’re playing a super-powerful god, or the best ninja in the world, or an MMO you’re just one more…
The detail that stuck with me was the explanation of time/space travel by holding a string outstretched and then bringing the hands together. Mrs. Whosis or Mrs. Whatsit does this to demonstrate to Meg how it works. (Or is this in a later book? I’m 99% certain it was in AWIT.) Anyway, that detail has stuck with me so…
Yes! The Dark Is Rising series x100000000!!! <3