Warren wants to fumigate and slap a fresh coat of paint on capitalism.
Warren wants to fumigate and slap a fresh coat of paint on capitalism.
I agree that it is common for politicians, especially in these formats where they have to leave a mark, to “pivot” questions into topics they want to talk about and they think will differentiate them, or to avoid a question they dont have a good answer for. That’s Yang shoving UBI into every response, or like anytime…
awesome hahah. go iceland!
We consumers have always bought what they’re selling. If they start marketing more sustainable stuff, we’ll buy that too. Furthermore, try to live ascetically without consuming from the bad guys, and you cannot and still exist. We consume what’s available to consume, and they can affect that.
I have an interesting gun story that I think I bored you all with before.
“It wasn’t like a, ‘you must,’” Short insisted. “It wasn’t like, ‘you have to.’”
I want to address something here:
In his defense, he’s probably tired of having to kill a dog each time to reach orgasm.
So this was basically state sanctioned murder of a person who came here when he was one year old? Fucking disgusting, but I’m sure it got Steven Miller off.
$20 bucks for 3 hours is less than minimum wage. That doesn’t sound great at all.
If you hire him to build a deck on different peoples’ houses every day of the year, he’s your employee.
No one is forced to work anywhere, but there are regulations controlling everywhere else anyway.
No, she doesn’t. She has another official account and neither has broken twitters rules of harassment.
And neither of hers has broken twitters rules of harassment, why trump originally claimed his was official as a way of not getting kicked off of twitter for harassing people from it.
Trump has made the claim that his account was official communication(along with twitter stating that is why they could not ban him for harassing people from it) then courts ruled he could not block people for him claiming this.
Yeah, the Knight First Amendment Institute has a fundamental misunderstanding of the 2nd Circuit ruling. For those that are interested, here’s a quote from the WaPo article:
The artist is rarely appreciated in his own lifetime.
“If there was an attack on American soil by Afghanis, ‘We would come back with a force like ... never before,”