Zsa Zsa Gaborg

As a former soldier, this is appalling. I have many friends whose kids were born in Germany, Japan, and Italy. Now there will be questions as to whether their parents were American enough? I understand there are layers to this in regards to citizens born here vs. naturalized, but if you’re willing to carry a rifle for

In John Kelly’s case, that rings hollow. It sort of does in Mattis’ case too, but the military is a gigantic organization and honestly I’d rather have it be run by a competent person, even if that person has to give Donald Trump some of what he wants to keep the job than an incompetent one, a defense industry executive

This is all correct, but I would draw a line at the military and James Mattis being an apples-to-apples comparison to other Donald Trump appointee/grifters. The military is really it’s own branch of government (unfortunately), and the expectation that they would resign as opposed to serve an unfit executive would just

The name Kayleigh McEnany’ looks like it came out of a white person name generator designed by a non-westerner.

this lawsuit is the most insane thing I’ve heard. It’s a factual description of the contents of a COURT document. It’s publicly available from the COURT... How the hell did anyone think that was even leverage worthy, much less winnable.

Bret Stephens strikes me as the kind of person who feels unfulfilled if they don’t get to talk to a manager at least once per day. He’s not only a bedbug, but also a Beckybug.

This is a guy who pens every other column bitching about “the left” trying to censor free speech campuses across the country. And instead of asking “Hey Bret, as someone that constantly rails on the left censoring speech on college campuses, isn’t it massively hypocritical to send a note to a rando college professor

That’s his military dress uniform for the war on Christmas.

When your “trial balloon” ends up getting you mocked by the entire world, you did it wrong. Having John Bolton or Tom Cotton float the idea of purchasing Greenland as hypothetical would be sending up a trial balloon. Having the president say he wants to buy Greenland and then throwing a temper tantrum when he doesn’t

In Trump’s mind Tom Brady and Robert Kraft must have dual citizenship. Also this is nothing new; 

I have the unfortunate pleasure of having several “Republican” turned Trump supporters in my near family. They’re not the yokels that everyone makes magats out to be or the works of (deranged) art that get highlighted from Trump rallies. They’re for the most part professionals in the upper middle class income bracket,

I don’t know it might have just been worse to be at that meeting. I don’t think he’d be a very helpful addition...

Oh lovely desk dent... You are my only friend, desk dent. You fit my forehead perfectly and more perfectly every time I read a Trump story. Don’t ever leave me desk dent. I don’t think my walls can take it.

What sort of bullets will they use?

He probably didn’t, but I can hope he woke up somewhere screaming.  

To co-opt a Bette Davis quote: “Mother always said to speak good of the dead. David Koch is dead. Good.”

Eh, I see him more as the kid that complains there were only 23 presents under the tree this year, when last year there were 28.

Those are the same people who described Paul Ryan as a “policy wonk”.

Tom Cotton looks like a kid who, when asked, “Was Santa good to you this year?” would reply, “Christmas is about Jesus, ma’am.”

Nah, I can’t believe I even gave you one chance, but now you’ve made it explicitly clear that you’re dishonest and will move goal posts to try to keep up