Zsa Zsa Gaborg

I know you’re a troll, and I’m wasting my time and energy, but Elizabeth Warren was going on The Daily Show to explain the financial crisis years before she ran for office, while Bernie was still polishing his “A” rating from the NRA. I also just *love* this idea that Bernie is superior because he hasn’t developed a

We found out our Indian ancestor was an Indian Indian from India, which raises the tantalizing question of how in the hell a South Asian woman made her home in the late-19th-century Midwestern frontier. She literally could not have traveled further from where she was born and I think that’s pretty awesome, even if I’m

I sort of agree with you but never underestimate the ignorance of a typical American voter. The kind of person who can't decide between the parties at a moment like this has no idea how a bicameral legislature works, or how Senate seats are apportioned, or how votes are held in either body. Telling the truth is not

I think too much gets made of Obama’s continuation of Bush’s policies. Bush’s adventurism, idiotic as it was, left us with major obligations in that region. When Obama pulled out of Iraq *in accordance with a previous Bush-negotiated agreement* he was castigated for abandoning our responsibilities and leaving a power

Or give him a couple Saturdays of community service helping to clean up a park or something. The penalty for missing jury duty doesn’t need to be severe, it just needs to be sightly more inconvenient than serving on a jury.

It’s just the stupidest fucking thing, like something he saw in a cartoon and fixated on.

You asked why he was getting attention. IMO he’s getting it because he’s gay, which is new for a presidential candidate, but also because he’s the safest possible introductory gay man for the kind of people who watch Good Morning America. Like, with any other gay candidate I’d worry that their nudes or hook-up

He’s as gay as a taupe accent pillow.

You’re assuming there are no other conversations. From what I've seen of the complaint, there may have been other incriminating conversations given the same treatment.

This isn't the military, it's USCIS.

Right, but in your analogy they're pulling kale, lettuce and arugula too even though only the spinach had a problem.

They’d be pardoned on day one by a new Democratic President. Normally something like that would be dicey because it risks offending members of the intelligence agencies, but I get the impression that everyone in national security who was not directly appointed by Trump will respect that disclosing this phone call is

Legally he *can* declassify anything. But the Iranian missile site was a very foolish thing to declassify.

Yes, generation Z are the first teenagers in history to make feckless employees.

Don’t worry, vapers! The US government would like to introduce you to natural alternative to tobacco vape products, heroically manufactured in Real America by companies that, for love of country, fund so many of our Great Nation’s legislators. And after all, when was the last time you heard the news mention anyone

They intentionally developed prescription heroin to make money off of a deadly physical addiction; there are warlords and dictators with far less blood on their hands. Why would they start worrying about criminal consequences now?

The courts are the ones that would have to arrest him. As in, the courts that McConnell packed with Bible thumpers, white supremacists and sex pests.

Stephen Miller.

It’s not like nuking a hurricane would have *no* effect. If you seed a 100mph cyclone with fresh radioactive fallout, I think it’s safe to say that the hurricane will no longer be your biggest problem.

“Tight five” is what Donald Trump Jr. calls his penis.