Zsa Zsa Gaborg

But will it be completed on schedule?

Well, it’s bound to deter a lot of other innocent murderers.

To be fair, randomly experimenting on soldiers is a proven method for creating superheroes. 

God help us. These past 3 years have been the longest 35 years of my life.

Wow.....so much to digest here.

Trump: “Wait a minute. No president has done what I’ve done.”

Debt is recoverable—or even if it must be discharged, the downturn from that discharge is, eventually, recoverable.

Large swathes of the planet becoming uninhabitable because we completely fucked our ecological balance for the sake of another decade or two of economic comfort?

...there’s no coming back from that.

This is

Wait, is $40 too much or not enough for a haircut?

White Claw is paying Instagram and Twitter influences to feature their product in memes. It’s a marketing campaign. Cmon people. 

I would argue that Sarandon did “nothing” to prevent trump.

Again with you people. It’s the classic “information vs context.”

For a while there, I had just figured you forgot the end quote. I was quite mistaken!

I don’t like sanders, his people, won’t vote for him in the primary, and wish he would fuck of back to Vermont. I wanted to get that out there right away. So observe my take with a big grain of salt.

Hot take.  Any candidate who loses is called a bad candidate.  Any candidate who wins is called a good candidate.

Pretty much the only nice thing I will say about Jezebel anymore is that they rightfully called all the Gawker writers out on that bullshit.  (Or was it Deadspin?  I don’t even remember anymore.)  

Ah yes, that massively ignored part of the country that literally nobody ever visits, where we have to get some fucktard’s opinion of chicken farming while he downs a 20-piece stack of pancakes. Hillary totally needed to visit it, because they clearly have no access to the internet and needed her to tell them, face to

Clinton was a bad candidate.

I feel like it’s less a Susan Sarandon problem and more of a “Susan Sarandon is emblematic of white women who claim to be progressive but openly dismisses any challenger that isn’t her chosen White Guy of choice Bernie Sanders, the type of white women who either stayed home or voted for non-candidates like Jill Stein

I guess I just don’t care either way.

Couple things that are true: