Please don’t encourage “Jan Van Der Heyden”. He is a Trumpanzee and a troll. He is pretending to be a Sanders supporter. Look at his comment history. Why he is ungreyed and given stars is beyond me.
Please don’t encourage “Jan Van Der Heyden”. He is a Trumpanzee and a troll. He is pretending to be a Sanders supporter. Look at his comment history. Why he is ungreyed and given stars is beyond me.
Nah—you’re the very model of a modern misogynistic pro-Trump male. In other words, a prototypical white, male Bernie supporter who doesn’t play well with anyone. You’ve ‘fessed up to it before.
The left and the right agree you are fucking asshole who should Epstein himself.
(It’s tomato, trying to draw a Sanders-Trump equivalence)
The fact that you’re right in this one instance will not deter me or anyone from saying: Shut the fuck up with your disingenuous concern trolling, Tomato.
Safe to say that she is willing to say or do anything, including Willie Brown, to advance her own career.
Not “probably more expensive than first class.” Almost always vastly more expensive than first class. On some routes, if you fill up all the seats on a corporate jet (which people almost never do), then the price may be similar.
I flew first class once, I was 8 years old and my grandma worked for American Airlines and we got free first class tickets from her (not really sure how but whatever) and it was super duper nice. I feel like these celebs could probably survive there at the very least.
if we’re being honest with ourselves, wouldn’t fly private rather than commercial if we had the option?
You clearly have no idea how large the carbon footprint of private flying is. No amount of reductions in other areas of one’s life could counteract the effects of taking dozens of private flights per year.
Scheduling concerns? Nothing any of these people do is so important that need the extra half a day they gain by flying private over commercial. As for security, it’s not like any of these people would have to wait for their flights with the plebes and flying first already affords a good deal of separation from the…
One reason that everyone hates you is you are online.
That is a lie and you know it, fuckhead.
As I note above, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren both have flown coach this election period.
Yeah, for world leaders in general, private transportation seems kind of necessary. Not that a lot of celebrities don’t also have their own security, but imagine how much of a headache flying would be for all the regular people if they got stuck on a flight with some world leader who decided to fly commercial and all…
To me Leo is the worst offender. He’s made being an eco-warrior a part of his brand. Yet he’s constantly seen flying by private jet to party on a yacht with a bunch of friends and 20 year old supermodels. Environmental issues are a safe cause for rich white celebrities. You don’t have to interact with impoverished…
It seems to me that common sense dictates Prince Harry and family requires private travel for safety...
Hey did you know that ‘Van Der Heyden’ is Dutch for ‘Shut the fuck up tomato you moron’?
Man, this is such a pitiful attempt at deflecting, and imagined “sowing of discord.” Jesus Christ on a vintage pogo stick, it even brings up Clinton, from three years ago.