Zsa Zsa Gaborg

Is “antifa” a Frank Luntz creation? Is there ANY evidence they’re an organization of any kind?

Congratulations. That’s the most lamebrained summary of recent American history ever. God I hate generalizers, not to mention those who indulge in spurious dichotomies like this one. Here’s why:

it was such a goddamn embarrassment how the media worked that shit.

I’m torn on it, because my parents are boomers (as is probably true for many of us here, I suspect), but the good kind that were not-quite-hippies in the 60s and maintained their ability to have empathy and generosity and are even more screamingly liberal than I am to this day.  So I hate to malign the generation as a

Getting their educations for practically free and then realizing that they could make a lot of money forcing subsequent generations to buy theirs?

That’s really not what temp agencies do. 

Remember when he supported banning Muslims from working in the meat-packing industry and he said, “I don’t want people doing my pork that won’t eat it.

Baby boomers are deeply, deeeeeeply fucked up.

I could not agree with you more even if your screen name was NOT Zsa Zsa Gaborg (Resistance is futile, dahling...).

God, this is an abysmal take. No wonder the U.S. is reviled abroad for cowboy diplomacy and regime changes that leave nothing but destruction in its wake—people like you actually believe it’s a viable way to conduct foreign policy.

The Romostrodamus troll is really triggered today, no?

Way to make this all about you. Trolls are trolls I suppose. 

Were they our allies when Black Cube attempted to undermine the Iran deal? When Netanyahu put out nonsense claims out there in an attempt to shortcircuit the pact? When it continued to allow squatters to build on Palestinian land? When Netanyahu accepted Boehner’s invitation to speak to Congress without the buy-in

It still amazes me that Israel managed to go from being the primary victims of the Holocaust to genocidal fascist oppressors in less than 70 years.

Hoyer gleefully threw progressive freshman members—including Ilhan Omar—under the bus earlier this year at AIPAC in exchange for some raucous applause. Benjamins.

There’s nothing more democratic than trying to subvert the US elections because Bibi doesn’t like Obama or annihilating protesters with high-powered rifles. Never change you lovable dipshit.

There’s also no such thing as a “right to exist”. That was a very smart PR line cooked up by the Israeli government. No such thing is in international law. A state exists, or it doesn’t. No state has such a right, it’s only brought up surrounding Israel because of a concerted push by their advocates to muddy the

The way Bibi acts sometimes, he’ll probably cut off relations with us first.

Literally the country whose strategic interests are best aligned with ours is Iran but nobody wants to talk about it 

It’s kind of amazing, if I still had the capacity to be amazed by this, how much the mainstream press has dropped the ball on this story.