Zsa Zsa Gaborg

Y’all I cannot tolerate people even pretending it’s cool to support her. I am legitimately terrified because every time she opens her nonsense-hole she gains more supporters. She is a master manipulator - and she is fucking anti-science (makes up her own science really). I will not stand for the left being responsible

If shes nominated, Ill throw an akashic record on the turntable, shove a crystal up my butt, and pull the lever for her. Because shes not Trump.

On behalf of everyone that Trump is fucking over on a daily basis, yeah. It’s bad. Your entertainment is not a factor here.

This woman is gross, and reminds me of manipulative and egocentric New Age charlatans who used to start mini-cults loosely associated with the Neo-Pagan community. Usually while stealing liberally from various traditions, especially Native Americans, and describing themselves as persecuted when people decried their

A month ago, Splinter was fawning over her (maybe a bit tongue-in-cheek, but still).

I constantly tell my parents that they did me no favors instilling me with morals and values, because these republicans can be fleeced every day of the week and twice on Sunday.


For fucking really.

Sometimes I really struggle to find any coherent narrative that this website tries to present. You simultaneously post some of the most politically petty and journalistically dull articles imaginable, then turn around and attack other elements or incidents within politics, many of which do exactly what the editorial

I get physical douche chills every time I hear one of these dumb nicknames used in politics. It’s literally the lowest form of attacking your opponent. It strikes me as the politician saying “You, voting citizen, are so dumb and simple minded that I can’t simply attack my opponent on policies or differing views. I have

“It embodies everything I hate about the great RUSSIA freakout”

Most political nicknames are dumb. But it makes a good soundbite, and it’s stuck, so it’d be political malpractice to abandon it while it still has use.

“Don Jr. is my gun expert,” Mr. Trump told supporters at a fundraiser Friday in Bridgehampton, N.Y., according to one of the people familiar with the matter. “He knows more about guns than anyone I know.”

“Gets Drunk, Fights Cow”

The entire family is halfwits. With apologies to wits and halves.

You really can’t dis-aggregate misogyny from racism and other bigotries. They go hand-in-hand the vast majority of the time.

“hogs love brews”

Good LORD that’s a big happy hog! If you’re worried about the hog chuggin’ beer,