yes they are
yes they are
They may have policies but it’s not one of their focuses; it’s not brought up enough, or something about in a strong way. But you are right, they have official positions on it.
Baracka is a shit-stirring troll, best to ignore them.
That’s right, I’ve never once felt sad since I’ve been on anti-depressants. That’s exactly how it works, like a Cheering Charm in Harry Potter.
Right? So I guess those three days a month before my period where I fall somewhere so dark I contemplate throwing life away is something I should embrace and let myself feel? This lady suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. My meds that stopped that cycle do not suck.
“There” as in people whose friends died because they believed her rhetoric about how you could just believe yourself into being cured.
Her beliefs are relevant if she’s running for president.
She sounds like any number of women I know who are lovely, good-hearted, community oriented hippie weirdos, who also shouldn’t be president.
It’s one thing to be told by boomer that you don’t know what you are talking about on a subject in which you hold a PHD and about which you’ve published a book and numerous journal articles. It’s completely maddening to be told that you are wrong when you point out that they are wearing completely different shoes on…
It would be so great if she did not also have some, shall we say, questionable views about science and medicine.
Changing work attire norms from woolen suits to flip-flops, shorts, and loose shifts would reduce CO2 emissions by a non-trivial amount.
Nope to all these pieces today (at this family of sites and others) fawning over her for saying the bare minimum truths that progressives share in meme form on FB. Not to mention that the majority of her “points” have already been made by the top two progressives on the stage (barring the reparations commentary).
Last night, spokesperson for Justice Democrats Waleed Shahid responded on Twitter to Claire McCaskill, a former Senator who lost her race in the Midwest, who said that “free stuff from the government does not play well in the Midwest.”
Why not? It’s clear somebody ought to explain it to you as you understand it so poorly.
Actually, I would have called Delaney the real cuckoo…
Also LO-FUCKING-L at the antivaxx parrot grayed and now dismissed below me.
Aside from getting murdered by Warren, of all the “we can’t actually do anything candidates,” he was by far the best. There are generally pretty easy responses for Warren and Sanders to people who just say “It’s not realistic” about policies that most of the rest of the developed world have, which is all that most of…
Chris Cillizza can always be relied upon to have the worst opinion on anything he opens his facehole about.
Honestly in terms of kooks, she isn’t quite as bad as the “Earth is 6,000 years old,” race realism, IQ realism, Holocaust denying, bootstrap pulling types on the right.
But not by much. She’s still a dangerous kook and shouldn’t be taken seriously in any forum.
Why are so many otherwise intelligent political commentators writing laudatory articles like this about Williamson? The woman is a menace. She’s anti-vaccination, anti-science, anti-psychiatry, many people have quite credibly accused her of being something akin to a cult leader. She spent the Eighties scamming AIDS…