You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.
You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.
In essence, his “op-ed” really says “I benefited from a wide range of social programs and a robust, sturdy social safety net, and because of all the generous and far-ranging public assistance I received and continue to exploit, I’m now able—and very much desire—to ensure that absolutely no one else has the…
“We can’t give everyone free college! Because then rich kids would get free college!—Pete Buttigieg, somewhere, probably.
McConnell concluded: “Let me make this crystal clear for the hyperventilating hacks who haven’t actually followed this issue. Every single member of the Senate agrees that Russia meddling was real and is real.
“Welcome to modern day McCarthyism” —Guy who red-baits over slightly left-ish policies.
Hey now, Mitch McConnell has a lot of personal responsibility. For example, he is personally responsible for ensuring the well-being of Oleg Deripaska’s lucrative aluminum business in Kentucky.
Looks like Dana Milbank’s op-ed piece on McConnell this weekend struck a little too close to home his shell.
Shut up, tomato.
Reminds me of FDR addressing Pearl Harbor survivors and talking about how these anniversaries sneak up on you, and that he hoped he wasn’t bombing.
Choke on a hot dog you fat son of a bitch.
Anyone with a shred of human decency in New York was profoundly affected by the Saudi attacks on 9/11. This is even more so for those of us that knew people who were killed that day or succumbed to later illness.
Even if the wealth tax only initially captured a portion of its full value it would still be worthwhile.
It’s a thing with people like him, like when my totally-not-racist-you-guys uncle repeatedly blamed Obama during his Presidency for not solving murders in Chicago.
“How many times must this man verbally insult, abuse, and denigrate people of color, before white people get it?”
April 2017 the White House was upgraded and new HVAC installed replacing system last updated in 1990.
Democrats (and other liberals) need to commit to vote for the Democratic nominee even if it is not someone they wanted or if the nominee is not progressive enough or is too progressive. And in particular, Bernie supporters cannot stay home/vote 3rd party if (as I assume) he is not the nominee. If Republicans can rally…
NYC knew who he was. We tried to warn all of you as did Hillary but hey her fucking emails right?
Which is worse, a head cold or a chest cold?
This is cheating. This is like if the debate was “what’s worse: seasonal allergies or a summer cold,” and your answer was “shitting yourself to death from dysentery.”