Zsa Zsa Gaborg

No. Stop participating in this shit. You are framing this as a fucking spectacle to be judged by entertainment value - which is what Trump is doing, which is what the MSM is doing. Not to mention y’all were reporting all day on how Republicans were being crazy, and we could all see they were wording questions crazily

Unpopular opinion here, but if you wanted the Democrats to have other options beyond calling Mueller to testify YOU SHOULD HAVE ELECTED MORE OF THEM TO THE SENATE.

The way our electoral system is set up, the only people who really matter all that much in close elections are the swing voters in a handful of tipping point States. The last election was decided by less than 50,000 people in three states.

The media trying to convince us that “The undecided voter” exists is the sadder part.

It’s not even the idea that Mueller is or was a Republican.  Mueller has a distinct record as a public servant.  Mueller is as Muller does.  Mueller investigated.  Mueller fact-found.  Mueller wrote a report for DoJ.  If the House wants to do anything with it, that’s on them.  Not on DoJ.

It’s not clear to me how getting Mueller to make some public statements about his report that ran clearly counter to Trump’s characterization of it hurts anyone, and I haven’t seen anyone saying they thought this would be some Aaron Sorkin monologue-esque moment where Mueller scored a fatality on Trump’s Presidency

This is the problem with both the media and blogs like this. They largely accepted Barr’s interpretation of the report before the report was even released. After creating a false impression of what was in the report, they then want Democrats to correct their mistake in explaining to the public about the crimes the

This is such a good comment that I hope gets highlighted. I’m honestly needing some tweets by intelligent minds to reassure me that *some* good can come out of today.

Why not focus on the better tweets of the day, the ones with substance & good analysis, instead of feeding yourself a diet of this D-list celebrity poison? Who cares about the reichwingers’ reactions? We already knew they’d do exactly this. DJTJ is just doing his assigned job. So is that subhuman scumsuck D’Souza.

People like her are also the reason why we shouldn’t

People like Danielle Stella are the reason we have warning stickers on hairdryers telling you not to use them in the shower.  

Mario is a bad plumber because he finds thousands of gold coins in your pipes and just keeps them. Then again, he’s also fighting dangerous monsters and such in there without that really being a part of a plumber’s job, so I think it’s an ok trade.

Poppycock. Are you going to tell me next that Mario is a bad plumber because he allows himself to go inside the pipes?

Trump had his shot at Minnesota, and we told him to get lost. There is very little that will create a positive Republican atmosphere here for him again and his attacks and Rep. Omar are just going to bring out MORE blue metro votes.  Choke on a hotdish you asshat.

Every motherfucker that voted for him in 2016 that died of old age in the last three years has been replaced by a then- 15-year-old who can’t wait to vote against him. He knows there’s no chance he’ll make up that 1.5%, which was an anomaly to begin with.

Yeah, you’ve got a big ole anecdotal evidence and that-one-kind-of-fallacy-I-cant-remember messing with your compelling argument there.

What industry are you in, what area do you live in, is there a straight line in wage growth, do you own the means of production, whats your annual cost chart look like, what exactly is

*nod nod* Late stage capitalism is strangling everything. You just can’t grow forever. It isn’t possible.

I think he meant more as “this is merely a microscopic symptom of a much larger, systemic issue and this symptom will only change in the way the larger one will: imminent disaster”.

Relative to profits, wages have been stagnant for about four decades. An anecdote about wages of a few individuals doesn’t change that.

Addicted to self righteousness too, which caused them to fall in line with an obvious right-wing hit job. Really, red flags should’ve gone out the moment Roger Stone bragged about this days before the news dropped.