And when it does happen the GOP will say it’s the Democrats fault their own people are being killed and the media will bemoan a lack of civility on both sides.
And when it does happen the GOP will say it’s the Democrats fault their own people are being killed and the media will bemoan a lack of civility on both sides.
Yeah I did serve and we were reminded of incidents that the United States, more specifically the Navy and Marine Corps, were involved in.
Fuck off. It’s not quite victim blaming, but it’s not far off. I don’t agree with Pelosi’s comments, but she has nothing to do with Trump/Republicans being racist fuckweasels.
MAGA roundtable: “Ok, everyone’s got their anti-Semitic attack points ready for Democratic candidates, right?”
loling at the idea that Trumps supporters care about anti-Semitism beyond “let’s troll teh libs”. Be best, big guy.
It's like saying, "he doesn't hate all black people, just the uppity ones".
Jefferson’s rules are that you can’t use language offensive to the President. The specific determination that calling the President racist is offensive was made in June, 2016. I would doubt that calling someone racist was considered offensive in Jefferson’s time. According to Google’s NGram viewer, the word barely…
I wonder what could possibly have made Thomas Jefferson concerned about people being called racist? He must have slaved over writing those procedure documents and I just can’t quite put my finger on why he would be so worried about that. I feel like I’m missing 3/5ths of the issue here.
“All may now look upon the Emperor’s magnificent new clothes! Be in awe, unworthy subjects!”
Others tried to place the blame on the victims of Trump’s attack.
Imagine you’re at war, there’s people shooting at you but you can’t afford to lose the battle, so you and a few fellow soldiers storm out of your hiding places and vanquish the enemy. Then you turn around and see there were thousands more of your forces hiding in the trenches, waiting till the fighting was over and it…
I totally agree with you. But I think it is logically indefensible (and obviously disingenuous) to say a 33 year old person “waited” 33 years to come out. Some of those years are infancy, some of those years the person was without developed language skills, etc.
I think Rich sums up the issue with it well here:
Hot Take-Rome Was Bad up above makes a good argument about the fiscal cost of being out in the eighties and nineties and how it can feel when the “babies” come along and snap up relatively cushy lifestyles and acceptance while you’ll never be able to retire. It’s a good and important point, I think.
No, but I came out in the early ‘90s in small town rural California where I saw as many Confederate flags flying everyday as many an Alabaman (I suppose) and had gay epithets and threats to my physical person hurled at me every day. My mother and physically abusive step-father were also practicing Mormons at the time…
I am well aware of this, as are most other people who air their gripings in mixed company. But there is a frustration which comes when you’ve been doing LGBTQ activism for a couple of decades, and yet it’s the voices of the person who’s been out two years that gets privileged in a conversation because they have a…
Shut up, tomato.
Yeah, it is judgmental. It’s also often coming from people who made a different choice, to come out younger to light a path for the people still in the closet, who suffered to make space for the people who had the privilege to wait and lie about their identity and gain power in society by doing so.
Long-term thinking is not their forte, though.
There are a lot of conservatives who want to leave the UN, but I think if they thought a little harder about it they would change their minds. We basically run the UN. We have veto power in the largest organization of nations with the most power. Why would these warmongers give that up?