Zsa Zsa Gaborg

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

No, Lindsey’s objections to Trump were just aesthetic. He was against Trump because Trump could get away with being as nakedly awful as he wished he could be. But since he realised that there are no consequences for Trump’s behaviour, he has enthusiastically embraced his own awfulness. This is who he always was.

It’s incredible how people don’t realize you’re tomato. I know your trolling isn’t as obvious sometimes, but holy fuck it’s easy to see that burners created for the first Splinter article of a weekday is probably you.

What could he have that we already assume? Unless...it’s Epstein-like stuff...or he’s laundering Putin’s money too.

The kompromat Trump and/or Putin has on Lindsey has got to be pretty terrible for him to be acting this craven. 

You’re looking at a concept which is much older than the past few election cycles and determining its existence based on how things have been the past few years.

On one hand, I’m exhausted and mostly furious with the risk-averse Democratic leadership that still think it’s the ‘90s and that “appealing to Republicans” is a necessary electoral strategy. It ignores mountains of evidence, from political science to the daily experiences they as career politicians ought to be able to

Either read the Constitution or fuck off, Nazi.

calm your tits.

I think we’ve all figured it out. It’s just 30-40% of the country actively wants that, and the Republican party is perfectly willing to throw the Constitution in the shredder to give it to them. The rest of the country’s arguing about ways to stop it that don’t involve bullets, but the delay’s just giving these

The only thing - the ONLY thing - working for us here is his age. That really doesn't comfort me much, but it's something.

“It gives me all of these rights at a level that nobody has ever seen before.”

That isn’t low-hanging fruit. This is:

Britt McHenry is a piece of shit.

Wealthy people always have a spotless record unless they committed crimes against other wealthy people. 


checks out

If Epstein was 14, hed leap at the chance to go fuck himself.

A rich guy flee the country to avoid child rape charges? It would never happen!!!