Zsa Zsa Gaborg

I like your attention to detail, friend. Yes, November 2016 was the election. You are correct that he announced his candidacy in 2015. But you know, dementia tends to make you confuse dates, times and places.

“meme creators”

Nobody cares that you’re stupid enough to fall for right wing propaganda.

Fuck off back to your basement, troll

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values what you have to say.

Ilhan Omar: America is racist, cruel and unjust.

In composing this reply, I have become Anne Frank.

I starred your post, which basically makes me Viktor Frankl.

Literally any flaw is enough for rightwing ratfuckers and hostile media to hang a smear campaign on. That’s the point: “her emails” weren’t, substantively, a problem. The problem was that it was possible to just make shit up about them and get it printed on the NYT’s front page.

Look, if you can’t understand that the angry man is genuine and the lady is a filthy scheming bitch, I guess you’re just incapable of logic.

“I’d love to vote for a woman, but this woman has an immutable personal failing that forces me to reject her out of hand.”

The Russian Troll farms are coming on strong to this article.

I’m just going to copy this post for a Rhet/Comp 1120 course this fall. You’ve produced something of a masterclass in “reads like it should be intelligent, but is so steeped in rhetorical fallacies that it’s a wonder it didn’t sink before it every left drydock.”

It’s only a weakness in that you and others are “but her emails”-ing it and it's becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. 

We thought Baracka was gone—evidently, we’ve found his enduring account.

You’re still blowing that shit-filled Trumpet? You know everything you said is right wing propaganda, right?

That is an insignificant gaff that is nothing compared to what Trump is actually responsible for. Get your dick out of Bernie’s ass and vote accordingly and don’t be a fucking baby if Bernie doesn’t win the primary and vote for whoever is running against Trump in the 2020 election.

And we’re how far out from the primary?

Dude’s running on name recognition at this point, IMO. Hit me again when we get closer to the actual vote, and I’ll be ready and willing to admit I was wrong—until then, one candidate is articulating, backing, and providing receipts for actionable policies that will move this

TFW you use an individual’s poorly-informed (in terms of viable sources) understanding of their family history as delivered -by members of their family- as means to dismiss them.

I could, pretty readily, get into Bernie’s litany of “and then the GOP found this bit of kindling,” but I’d rather leave it at: the dude’s an

Yes, giant fucking weakness. All those other candidates have a ton of skeletons and this fucking pocahontas thing makes you say Warren should drop out.