I know. You find yourself snickering and then you remember children in cages. It’s emotionally exhausting.
I know. You find yourself snickering and then you remember children in cages. It’s emotionally exhausting.
I keep saying - if we get through this relatively unscathed, then it will all be hilarious.
If this wasnt all so deathly serious i would find this hilarious. He’s so pathetic and embarrassing.
Don’t worry we have a constitution and the bill of rights and a SCOTUS that will strike..this...oh fuck
The military has a similar problem with servicemembers posting harassment or hazing over Facebook, and commands have a policy of burning everyone they catch posting crap like this because it reflects badly on the service. But I think the CPB is desperate enough for bodies to fill their missed recruitment goals that…
Ok people appealing to the flag code as a way of not addressing the real reason why the sneaker was pulled is disingenuous hogwash. Lets be honest with ourselves here no one gives a shit about the flag code outside of not outright burning it. Why not just admit that hey maybe Nike probably shouldnt have pulled the…
I will also posit that the homeless population I’ve seen on the west coast (Seattle, San Francisco) are in far more dire health straits than homeless populations in, for example, the Twin Cities. It was obvious that even sporadic access to health care happens far less frequently in those west coast locations. Coming…
But should cyclists obey traffic laws?
People blame the biker because most of the time it is the bikers fault.
I was riding into work the morning a woman got right hooked by a box truck on Addison and Damen. Drivers just flat out don’t have any awareness of bicycles unless they have a close call. The habit of doing something like looking over you left shoulder before you get out of your car just isn’t taught.
I’ve been a commuting cyclist in Chicago for over a decade. I’ve been hit a few times and had 2-3x as many close calls. I pass ghost bikes (white-painted memorials for cyclists murdered on the city’s streets) daily and it never gets any less haunting. What makes me ache even more about every preventable death…
I expected this to end with a “we’ve been married for 9 years” twist.
No street parking in the downtown core...this seems problematic.
[Citation Needed]
It’s extremely rare that a cyclist puts anyone in danger by not being “experienced in driving in traffic.” It’s even more rare that a cyclist would put anyone besides themselves in danger by doing so. On the other hand, car drivers are piloting around several tons of metal at very high speeds, so when they fuck up…
yes, there’s very fine people on both sides
I live and bike commute in a midwest college town. Local cops park in the bike lane to speed trap. I gave a “what the hell?” arm wave one day when passing around a parked cop car that was particularly hard to see because of lighting conditions and dense morning car traffic. The cop followed me all the way into my…
Since when does AMERICA copy FRANCE, soyboi?!
Pretty? Yes, but anyone can buy a pretty face.
You're not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.