Zsa Zsa Gaborg

This is worse than Citizens United. This is the end of the Republic. Call me hyperbolic if you want to, but this is where it ends. This means that Republicans have a green light to cheat to maintain power, and prevent themselves from ever losing that power.

No they don’t. It doesn’t matter if an ammosexual has 147 guns, he can only use one at a time,.

Oh no. Where else will anybody ever find scotch and beer?

I hope you feel better for getting that off of your chest you fucking freak.

You are incredibly stupid, or incredibly dishonest. NAFTA did no such thing, and even a basic understanding of the issue would inform you of that. So you’re clearly a bad faith troll. That settles that question.

That presumes Mexico counts as a safe third country, which is an assessment that fails even basic scrutiny. If you’re going to pop in and spew misinformation, at least pretend you’ve done the bare minimum to back up your bullshit.

“Reminder that” blah blah blah.

He’s so pro-life that he apparently sought out numerous attempts to create it.

There is nothing fake about him, and the scare quotes are unnecessary. The word “Christian” is defined as a member of the religion of Christianity. Nothing more, nothing less. There are wonderful people and abhorrent people of all faiths and no faith. It’s long past time to stop using “Christian” as an adjective

How many properties do you have? Because at some point you have a business that turns into a property management corporation... and at that point it stops being about what is good for the property and what is the most profitable for the business. The most profitable thing in NYC is A) reducing the number of available

As a landlord, I will never understand landlords that don’t fix/address issues.. keeping the place in good condition and address reasonable tenant concerns, while not maximizing your short term return, maximizes the long term return by having happy tenants that try to pay their bills on time, and help out because they

Laura Ingraham, shitting in a diaper to own the libs.  What is it with horrible conservatives and a fixation on toilet issues?

AOC has really impressed me. It’s not that I was skeptical, but having dipped a foot into the political world I knew a lot of otherwise well-meaning politicians were, for lack of a better word, a bit vapid. She’s showed a lot of depth and strength and I really respect that. I think there’s more young Democrats in the

It absolutely does, that’s why I made sure to mention civilian casualties in the OP. The US media goes out of it’s way to not mention “collateral damage” but the figures are out there and they’re frightening. With the push button wars we can wage, it’s just too easy to write off the incidentals when we want to bomb an

HamNo, you and Tom McKay need to speak to each other on the Gizmodo slack channel or something. McCay dropped this tidbit on twitter the other day:

Bernie has toxic baggage (what exactly?)

As he should be. All the progressive policy with none of the toxic baggage? Yes please.

Reduces complex/nuanced discussions to opponents being physically or emotionally weak? Check

Although the idea of sacrificing them is something worth discussing.

Swifties, when Tay-Tay does something good: Listen up folks, this is POPTIMISM with a message! Don’t be dismissive jerks, Ms. Swift has something important to say and you should Pay. Attention.