Zsa Zsa Gaborg

Attorneys** Fentanyl

Q. How do you know the toothbrush was invented in Kentucky?

I think it is more likely Israel or Saudi Arabia. But if it was the US or one of our proxy groups in the region, there will be hell to pay that no amount of tariffs or Hillary whataboutisms will get Trump out of. 

If - and I stress, IF - these attacks were some sort of false flag, my money would be more on the Saudis, to be quite honest. The Israelis would be candidate number 2. 


Alternative name: Tel Afib

There's no actual buildings, just a sign, and they're already trying to presell units? This is definitely a Trump project. 

“I just had a meeting with somebody that’s a pollster and I’m winning everywhere, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

As much as I hate to say it, this looks like a set up. We all know that Alex Jones only gets hard when the kids are dead.

Well your name fits I’ll give you that.

Despite all of that effort to minimize paying people they still were able post a billion dollar loss in the first quarter. Great business model.

All of this “disruption” is just using new technologies to break many of the laws and standards we have taken for granted for decades.

At this point, we have two major political parties in the US- The far-left of the Democratic Party, and the centrists of the Democratic Party. Functionally, they’re about as different as the Dems and GOP in the 1980s.


Go fuck yourself

The mental gymnastics that my fellow white people use to justify this embarassment get more stunning every day. The normalization is chilling.

And then Trump & Co. would insist the video was real, half the country would believe it, and the media would say things like “Controversial video sparks debate about whether Mayor Pete has sex with goats”.

It also works that way if you don’t want to break the law.

On contact from a foreign government, yes even Norway:

Lol, then what the fuck is he saying the Clinton campaign should be investigated for?