You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. Most housing under regulation isn’t under rent control it’s under rent stabilization; landlords haven’t been going without rent increases that is more than incomes increase at all.
You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. Most housing under regulation isn’t under rent control it’s under rent stabilization; landlords haven’t been going without rent increases that is more than incomes increase at all.
Do you think anyone was doing anything at all before without these regulations? At least they can’t jack up the price so easily on current tenants and have something in place. It’s a jumping off point that should be observed and improved upon. Will it be, eh? However saying this will fuck up things now so... Let’s not…
So you know nothing about New York and you’re just spit balling here?
Yes BUT without rent protections addressing those other things won't do the trick either. Both are needed.
Then that makes you a dumb cunt.
A big piece about this story is about the twitter user UnSuckDCMetro whose account spread Miss Tynes’ tweet very wide and far
its almost as if the GOP were to make a turn towards national socialism that they would become even more powerful.
No argument there. The Republican party has realigned itself at least three times since Lincoln, and wealthy people always have influence, which they generally use to their favor. But, comfortingly, bee-barking dogs don’t evolve overnight.
A GOP in which the donor class didn’t fight economic justice and the voters didn’t focus exclusively on fighting social justice would indeed be a dangerous thing. But so would dogs with bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you.
Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout.
Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.
by telling the guy arguing “we cannot improve healthcare for all americans, in a way every other first world country already has, because that might negatively impact my vast wealth” to fuck off, op
and a photo showed Franken grabbing a fellow USO performer’s breasts.
Why do all of the best dystopian apocalyptic movies involve animal activists?
I hear he knows his way around an organ.
“(Russian Elton is presumably assumed to be a happily childless bachelor, content to share his life only with his own awkward framing devices.)“
I hear when they finally caught him, he plead ‘Not Me’ in court.
Media kept it quiet but it is true. You know those comics where he would show one of the kids running all over the neighborhood getting into mischief with the dotted arrows? Turns out if you put those over the map of the city he lived in it would lead right a body.
It doesn’t help that the authorities actively encourage this line of thinking. A few years ago, I went to one of the National Night Out/meet your neighbors nights in a suburb where there were talks (that have finally, blessedly, started to result in some actual construction) of expanding the light rail that primarily…
The dead guy should be put to death? It’s like you’re not even trying anymore.