I’d argue the opposite. He knows very much what he can and cannot say. He knows what Comey did when he shot the fucking gun long before appropriate and ran his mouth, imploding trust in the FBI, the CIA and had gotten us into this mess (partially) through Comey’s choices.
A convenient and self-serving thesis from one of this site’s conservative trolls.
as a public school teacher, I’d like to say fuck charter schools and fuck anyone who supports them. charter schools are a long-con to destroy public education.
Case in point: Colorado had snowstorms so bad last week that there were snow delays for the last day of school on May 20. Tell me that’s normal.
Oh look, BarackaObama made another divisive comment. What shall we doooo...???
Remember when Pence used to write op-eds about how women shouldn’t serve in the military?
“...Mr. Trump is the best friend the men and women of our armed forces will ever have.”
Conveniently, if the US fucks with Iran, it will be very good for Russia and Saudi Arabia.
calm down mommy and daddy aren’t that mad when you wake them screaming about seeing obama in your closet
He truly is. I posted below, but he’s desperately trying to dredge up anything he can to derail the many investigations he’s facing and lash out at his “enemies.” It’s stupid, but that all we can really expect from him. It’s also not going to work. As someone else said, when you’re trying to hide secrets, it’s…
show me on the doll where the liberal touched you
Declassifying documents is a cover-up.
Trump has been throwing the federal intelligence agencies under the bus for his entire run and they’ve taken it. They thought they’d just ride it out, keep doing their jobs, who cares what the man baby says.
I mean... every candidate old enough to have been an adult at the time has stuff from the 70s, 80s and 90s to apologize for- Sanders has his oddly pro-Soviet policies, Guns and the creepy rape essay, Biden has Anita Hill, his 70s comments on choice, etc now Warren has this stuff-- basically we as progressives either…
Oh boy. Who ungreyed this dweeb.