Zsa Zsa Gaborg

If you want a simple truck, buy used. It's America, you won't have trouble finding used trucks.

Yeah, but the 350z is painfully uncool. What were they thinking with those door handles?

OMG Ditto is my favorite!

Ok, but what sort of recourse do the accused get in extreme circumstances? The article pegs the rate of false reports at 8% - quite rare, but not unthinkable. If you suspend the accused from school, he or she may incur substantial costs related to that suspension: rent on an off-campus apartment, loss of scholarships

Spoken like someone with TONS of life experience. You sound like one of those Randian whiteboys who thinks poverty isn’t a problem because most poor American households have refrigerators, but considers himself a financial genius for waiting a year to buy an XBox One.

Exactly - it's not a misery contest, so why are you ranting about the perceived tone of the coverage?

Drones are remote controlled. None of their firing systems are autonomous; it's not even close to being the same thing.

Real men die senselessly and young!

I don't believe you. Unless you live in Staten Island, which is only NYC because New Jersey was too smart to take it.

The bubble never pops in New York, sadly. It might grow more slowly for a while, but NYC real estate is viewed as a valid alternative to US treasury bonds; the only thing that could permanently destroy its value at this point is a nuclear attack, at which point everyone will have bigger things to worry about than

I read Huck Finn on my own in elementary school, and at that age it seemed like a fun adventure novel set on the Mississippi. (For better or worse, I had no context for the N-word; it was never spoken or referenced by either of my parents.)In High School I read it for class, and was mature enough to understand the

Sweet Jesus. It makes you long for the good old days, when cops would simply ask for a bribe.

He's rich, and I'm guessing he couldn't convert his assets to dollars in time. I would feel bad for him, but I don't want to.

I love truck nuts on an incongruous car though. A Dodge Diplomat with truck nuts is fucking hysterical

Speaking of Ludacris facts, did you know he did a video with HEAVY cross promotion for the Cadillac Catera?

Damn, that took me a second!

After my amazing custom-built commuter was stolen, I decided to go for a Torker KB2. It uses a two-speed “kick-back” transmission (you twitch the pedals back and it switches between the standard and climb gears) with an integrated coaster brake. It’s a steel frame and fork, which is a more comfortable ride than

I know, they turn into such babies when I kick their asses.

So maybe he was hopping out of the car because he forgot his phone inside or something, and left the key in the ignition? It's not that far fetched.

Not so! Whenever designing furniture, it’s always best to preface questions with “assuming all people are idiots...”